KOTOR 1 - Betrayals: Disclosures
STRONG WARNING: The following contains heavy spoilers about KOTOR 1. If you have not played KOTOR I, DO NOT READ THIS. Go play KOTOR I first then come back. I promise I'll wait.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: this was written in preparation for a 2024 playthrough of KOTOR I and KOTOR II. For this playthrough, I carried the same head canon story all the way through from before the beginning of KOTOR I to a conclusion after KOTOR II. Here are the associated main character builds for
KOTOR 1 and
KOTOR 2. I try to stick to the spirit of the builds and playthrough in the fanfics, but I do not necessarily follow them exactly.
DISCLAIMER: this fanfic deviates wildly from canon. If this sort of speculative writing bothers you, then you might want to stop now and not waste your time. If, on the other hand, you're interested in a just-for-fun story that doesn't fit anywhere into the official Star Wars timeline, then read on!
CONTEXT: It is near the end of KOTOR 1. Revan, Juhani, and Jolee have reached the top of the temple on Lehon (aka The Unknown Planet aka The Rakatan World).
Darth Revan stepped out into brilliant sunlight. The interior of the Rakatan temple had been dark and cool, but the summit was warm and bright. A gentle breeze carried scents of the jungle surrounding the temple, and of the ocean beyond. It would have been a beautiful scene, if Revan hadn't had more pressing things on his mind.
Revan took a deep breath, suppressing a rare feeling of doubt. The encounter ahead was the culmination of his plans, but it would be challenging. He felt the power of the Dark Side coursing through him, but he knew his full abilities had not yet returned. She would be strong, much stronger than before. He must make it clear to her that he was stronger. Anything less would end in failure. And it wasn't simply a matter of strength. He must also be convincing. There was far more to Revan than the caricature the Jedi had painted of him, and she must be made to see that. Was he a villain? Yes, he supposed that, from certain points of view, he was exactly that. Was he a conqueror? Absolutely. But when the full picture of his life was finally painted, he believed he would also be seen as both savior and hero. Being Darth Revan, being a servant of the Dark Side, was not merely about power for power's sake. That's something Malak would never understand. Revan ruled because people needed to be ruled, because otherwise they were purposeless, rudderless and adrift in a galaxy that would punish them for their indecision and lack of conviction. Even now, there were forces moving in the galaxy that were exactly what many accused Revan of being. He and only he had the vision, insight, patience, ability, and willpower to stop them. Only he was willing to make the necessary sacrifices, including himself if need be. In the next few minutes, he must somehow be both overwhelmingly powerful, and communicate the subtlety and urgency of his plans, to the most hostile of audiences. He was not going into this blind, though. He had been preparing for this moment for some time.
Revan glanced at Juhani to his left and Jolee Bindo to his right. Revan was confident that Jolee's life was now measured in minutes. He estimated Juhani's chances of leaving the temple top alive at no better than fifty-fifty. But Juhani and Jolee were minor concerns now. They had served their purposes and, if necessary, could be discarded. The real prize was before him, a dark figure standing alone under a massive stone arch, double-bladed red lightsaber glowing in the shadows.
Bastila Shan.
Revan stepped forward, and Bastila stepped to meet him. Her expression was fierce, her eyes focused and hard, her posture confident. Malak had done well with her, as Revan had known he would. Malak had many shortcomings, but demonstrating the power of the Dark Side was not one of them.
"Revan - I knew you'd come for me," Bastila said. "Malak thought you might be afraid to enter the Temple again, but he doesn't know you like I do. Not anymore. Not since you've changed."
"Quickly, Bastila," Juhani said, "come with us! We have to escape before Malak arrives!"
"Escape?" Bastila said contemptuously. "You don't understand. I have sworn allegiance to Lord Malak and the Sith. I am no longer a pawn of the Jedi Council."
"You have rejected the authority of the Jedi Council?" Revan said. Bastila's answer was already abundantly clear, but Revan needed to hear her say it in her own words. She needed to hear herself say it.
"Yes, Revan. Look at what the Council did to you: they turned you into their puppet. Their only goal is to manipulate those who are strong in the Force. They teach fear of the Dark Side as a tool to maintain control. Malak has shown me how the Jedi Council have been using me the same way they are using you. They've been holding me back because they knew one day I would surpass them all."
"If you think I was ever their puppet," Revan said, "you have a grave misunderstanding.
Tell me, Bastila. Whose idea was it to reform me into that sniveling 'Avner'? Was it Vandar? Vash? Kavar?"
"Vandar," Bastila said. "Atris and Vrook wanted to kill you. I convinced the Council that I could use our Force Bond to draw out your lost memories of the Star Forge's location. It was then Vandar who proposed remaking you into Avner. He convinced Vash, Kavar, and Zhar, and the rest were outvoted."
"As I thought," Revan replied. "Children and fools. I can at least respect that Atris and Vrook understood the true threat, though if I see them again I will kill them. The rest are hypocrites, but you know this. They have proven it to you time and again. And to you, Juhani. Jolee, you cannot deny this. You have spoken at length about Jedi hypocrisy."
"I didn't mean-" Jolee began, but Revan interrupted, again addressing Bastila.
"It didn't take long for Malak to convert you, did it? I understand you renouncing the Jedi, but how could you betray me like this, Bastila?"
"I resisted at first. I endured the Sith torments with the passionless serenity of a true Jedi, emptying my mind. But after a week of endless tortures I finally saw the truth. Malak forced me to acknowledge my anger and pain. He showed me the liberating power of these emotions. Then he made me see how the Jedi Council has denied me what is mine by right! The Jedi Council were jealous of my power ... of what I could become!"
"Yes they were. It is good that you finally see this." Was that a moment of surprise in Bastila's eyes? Confusion? This was going well. She would have expected him to defend the Jedi Council, to try converting her back to the Light. He must now make this personal, and present himself as an alternative to Malak. She would not accept him yet; he must still prove himself. But it was time to offer the choice.
"I like this side of you, Bastila," Revan continued. "Now we can truly be together."
At this, Jolee and Juhani both took a step backward and turned to face Revan, Jolee's hand dropping to his lightsaber. But before they could respond, Bastila spoke again, her words dripping with disdain.
"You think so, do you? You style yourself the Master of the Sith that you once were? To think I once envied you your passion, your power. I almost wish you could see things as I do now. I wish you could join me and taste true power once again. Sadly, I doubt you are even capable any longer. You are simply a pawn of the Jedi Council and the Republic they serve ... like I was until Malak freed me from their shackles! A pity the power you once had is so diluted in you. You could have been strong as I am now ... stronger, even. But that will never happen, now. With the power of the Star Forge, Malak will destroy the Republic and conquer the galaxy. And I will be the apprentice at his side - after I prove my worth by killing you!"
Bastila sprung at Revan, red blades flashing, intending to strike him down in one overwhelming assault. But Revan had anticipated the attack and his own purple lightsaber was already in his hand, blocking as he weaved and dodged. Fueled by the Dark Side, Bastila's power was immense, her attacks ferocious. Juhani and Jolee watched in uncertainty as Revan took one step backwards, then another, allowing Bastila to expend herself against his defenses. Finally, the flashing red blades slowed. Revan took another step backwards, putting distance between them.
"Malak has taught you well," he said. "But not well enough. Prepare yourself. You face Darth Revan!"
Revan reached deep within himself, letting the Dark Side wash over him, and found it a deep fountain at his command. He recalled all his anger, all his frustrations, all the victories over his long career. He had killed Mandalore! He had killed Yusanis! He had taken Malak's jaw! No Padawan would stand before him! He saw now that his previous doubt had been unnecessary. He was and ever would be Darth Revan, and nothing was lost to him. In this moment he felt no hesitation, no mercy. Bastila would prove herself a worthy apprentice, or she would die.
Revan launched his counterattack at Bastila, the single purple blade slashing, thrusting, slicing faster than Bastila's eye could see. Relying on the Force to guide her defense, she parried as she fell back. Unable to block Revan's every attack, she suffered multiple minor injuries as Revan's lightsaber penetrated her defenses. She did not cry out, and Revan sensed no fear from her. But there was no doubt that she was outmatched. Holding the double-bladed lightsaber in one hand, she extended the other, pushing at Revan through the Force, attempting to knock him sprawling. It was more of a Jedi tactic than a Sith one, but in desparation Bastila was falling back to familiar techniques. Revan, equally comfortable with both Jedi and Sith strategies, met her push with his own, sending her stumbling. He had proven himself her superior in the attacks that she had chosen. Now he would show her something new.
Extinguishing his lightsaber, Revan raised his hand and a purple line of crackling energy flashed toward Bastila, connecting him to her, draining Bastila's life force and transferring it to Revan. This was Sith sorcery that Bastila had not known. She fell to her knees, screaming, gasping. Revan did not relent. If Bastila could not resist, then she did not deserve the place he had reserved for her. Just when Revan thought she must collapse, Bastila's scream changed from pain to anger and, with the last of her strength, she struck back at Revan with a burst of lightning, breaking Revan's attack. Empowered by the energy he had drained from Bastila, Revan easily deflected the lightning. He did not resume his attack. It was enough. The lesson had been taught, and he had seen what he needed to. He would allow her to survive, and serve him.
While Bastila collected herself, Revan turned to Juhani. "This power could be yours too, if you would avail yourself of it. You were close in the grove on Dantooine, but you had no Master, no one to guide you in the mysteries of the Dark Side. I could teach you. You would be an apt pupil."
"Don't listen to him!" Jolee interjected. "He's evil. He'll tell you nothing but lies!"
"I- I don't-" Juhani started to speak, but stopped as Bastila regained her feet. She was pale, trembling slightly, in pain from lightsaber burns on her shoulder, arm, and side. But her admiration for Revan was unmistakable.
"Revan, you are stronger than I would have thought possible, after what the Jedi Council did to you. Seems that Malak was wrong - the power of the Dark Side is not lost to you after all."
"Now you see the power of the true Dark Lord!" Revan had kept his true nature in hiding for far too long. It had been necessary, but it was liberating to finally cast the act aside.
"Yes, Revan! I was there when you almost died in the trap set by the Jedi Council. I used the Force to preserve your life. We are forever linked by my actions on that bridge. In our shared visions of the Star Maps I tasted the power within you! You deserve to be the true Master of the Sith, not Malak. I see this now. Together we can destroy your old apprentice. Join with me and reclaim your lost identity!"
"My identity is not as lost as you seem to think," Revan said.
"Your mind was too badly damaged to ever fully restore your memories, Revan. But your power, your strength of will, the essence of who and what you are: these things still remain! Once long ago you defied the Jedi Council, freeing yourself from their control. You claimed your rightful title of Dark Lord of the Sith. Together we can defeat Malak and take back what is yours!"
Revan could sense Bastila's loyalty swinging to him, but it was still fragile, based only on his power. That sort of loyalty was fickle, turned as easily from him as it had been from Malak. Kreia was still out there somewhere, and even Sion could appear powerful in the same raw way as Malak. If Bastila encountered either of them, her allegiance could be compromised. Revan must now make Bastila see his insight, his command of not just Dark Side power, but of galactic events as a whole. And he could also sense uncertainty in Juhani. Could he secure them both into his service? His next few words would be crucial.
"Yes we can, Bastila. Swear allegiance to me and I will welcome you back by my side. But in one thing you are wrong. My memories are not lost. I have known who I was since Taris."
Bastila, Juhani, and Jolee responded in unison: "What?"
"Did you really think me so weak that my identity could be so easily repressed? Did the Jedi Council not realize that I would have warded myself against such outcomes? Do they truly know so little of the powers available to the Sith, powers that they deny to the Jedi they keep as slaves to their narrow dogma?" This last was for Juhani's benefit, exploiting her childhood experiences. He must simultaneously sever her bond to the Jedi and build her connection to him.
"Listen to yourself!" Jolee interjected. "This is not the way! I've been as critical of the Jedi as anyone, but they never treated us like-"
"Damnable sense of over-caution," Revan interrupted. "Those are your words, Jolee, and they were correct. Out of fear, the Jedi Council will do anything to protect themselves and their own limited view of the Force. And in doing so they will give away the galaxy."
"The galaxy is not lost," Jolee said, "and it doesn't have to be. Turn from this path! We can all still stop Malak together."
"Malak is not your real enemy," Revan said. It was time to lay all his cards on the table. "And neither am I. What did you say to me, Jolee? 'If Malak conquers the galaxy, we're in for a couple of rough centuries. But don't start thinking this war is more important than any other war just because you're in it'? You're right that Malak must be stopped, because he's a blundering battering ram that risks everything I built. But you're wrong about this war. It is is more critical than any other in a thousand years. That's not because I'm in it, though. Tell me, how does this war compare to the Great Hyperspace War?"
"Ahhh, now THAT was a war," Jolee said. "If the Jedi had lost to the old Sith Empire a millenia ago, the galaxy might never have recovered. No offense, sonny, but your Sith aren't even in the same league as the Old Sith were. Good riddance to them!"
"They prefer the name 'True Sith'," Revan said, "and they are not gone."
"What?" Jolee exclaimed. "That's who you serve?"
"Of course not," Revan said. "That's who I'm fighting."
At this, Jolee was speechless. After a long silence, Juhani spoke. "But, I thought you were fighting us. The Jedi. The Republic. You turned on us after the Mandalorian Wars. How is it you are fighting these True Sith? And why would you be? Aren't you Sith?"
"My ways are not their ways. If you would look at it with open eyes, you would see more truth in my reimagining of the Sith than your Jedi prejudices have allowed you to understand. Let me tell you something that not even the Jedi Council knows."
Revan paused and looked at Jolee, Juhani, and Bastila in turn. Bastila's attention was fixed on him, ready to hear what her Master would now reveal. These were secrets that Malak had not spoken of to her, and she was gratified to be in the inner circle. Jolee was equally attentive, but his skepticism matched Bastila's loyalty. He was probably a lost cause. Juhani, though, was listening to evaluate, undecided. Good. She would probably still have to be convinced through violence, and she might not turn, but there was still a chance.
"Near the end of the Mandalorian Wars, I uncovered hidden knowledge on Korriban and on Malachor V that the True Sith were not dead. More than that, Mandalore himself, with his dying words, told me that the Mandalorians had not started their war against the Republic of their own accord, but had been tricked by a greater power. This evidence all suggested that the True Sith Empire was flourishing in secret, beyond the Outer Regions, and intended to attack the Republic. Having just defended the Galactic Core against the Mandalorians, I refused to lose it to the True Sith. But I knew the Jedi would ignore this new threat, as they had the previous one. I needed allies, resources, information, and a strategy. I sent my most loyal general, Surik, as a last test of the Jedi Council, to see if the Council would give him a fair hearing."
"They did not," Bastila said. "The Council exiled Surik to Wild Space."
"As I suspected they would," Revan said. "You are wrong in one detail, though. The Jedi had no authority to make Surik leave the Core. He went to Wild Space on my orders, where he prepares an organization that will both fund the coming war against the True Sith, and supply us with a mercenary army that the True Sith will not expect."
"Surik is working for you right now?" Bastila asked.
"Indeed," Revan said. "And when the time is right, you and I will go to him. But for now, you must know the rest. I took Malak with me to gather information, and we eventually found the True Sith. Their new Emperor, Vitiate, is formidable. Individually, he was beyond even me. He compelled Malak and myself into his service using Dark Side powers that I had not previously encountered. It was Vitiate who revealed to us the Star Maps, and the existence of the Star Forge. He intended for us to conquer the Republic for him. But as you have seen, my will is not so easily dominated, and I broke free of Vitiate's control."
"And continued your attack on the Republic!" Jolee said. He was quickly becoming annoying.
"Yes, but with the intention of preparing it to resist Vitiate under my leadership," Revan said. "Would you instead have it fall? Because under the Jedi's leadership, it has no hope. Malak remains under Vitiate's control, intent on destroying the Republic. Join me. Together we will defeat Malak then defend a reorganized Galactic Core against the True Sith. Together we will save the galaxy from their domination!"
"If this Vitiate is as as strong as you say," Jolee said, "then why would we think you could defeat him? Sounds like more Sith trickery to me."
"Because I now know what we face," Revan said, "and I have already begun preparations for his downfall. While the Jedi Council was bickering with each other about retraining me on Dantooine, T3-M4, at my direction, retrieved plans from the Jedi Archives that will be instrumental in overcoming Vitiate."
"T3 is working for your Sith?" Juhani asked.
"Of course," Revan said. "How do you think he opened the doors to the Sith base on Taris? Yes, his mathematical abilities were necessary, but it was I who supplied him the required encryption keys. HK-47 is as well. While repairing him, I encoded hidden instructions within his programming. He will deliver to us a droid army like none have ever seen. The True Sith will not be able to resist the combined forces that I will bring to bear on them."
"So T3 and HK follow you," Jolee objected. "That proves nothing. Droids follow who they're programmed to."
"Canderous has knowingly served me since Taris," Revan said. The others looked at him in surprise, so he continued. "As a Mandalorian, he respects strength. I revealed myself to him at Davik's palace. Did you think he came on the Jedi Council's quest for their benefit?"
"But he was surprised when Carth told us on the Ebon Hawk who you were," Juhani said.
"He played that role better than I expected him to," Revan said. "The rest of you were not yet ready to learn the truth: you are already in the service of the Dark Lord. You have already followed me across the galaxy. But now that I have had the opportunity to explain myself, you can see that I am not the enemy that you thought I was. I embrace power, yes. I embrace the Dark Side. That I do not deny. And I will use it to defend the Galactic Core against Vitiate. I will use it to defeat the True Sith Empire. Jolee, you fought against Exar Kun, yes?"
Jolee nodded dubiously, unsure where Revan was going. Revan continued:
"Exar Kun was taught by the spirit of Freedon Nadd, apprentice of Nada Sadow, of the True Sith. You've been battling this enemy most of your life. Battle it now with me!"
Revan paused, looked at each of them slowly, then concluded his speech.
"Follow me now, as you have followed me before. Join with me to defeat the True Sith! Join with me against the most fearsome True Sith Emperor that has ever lived! We will not surrender the galaxy! We will establish a new galactic government, one built on a full understanding of the Force!"
Turning to Bastila, Revan said, "Bastila, you betrayed me once by joining with Malak. How do I know you won't betray me again?"
"It is your power that will keep me as your loyal apprentice, Revan. I swore allegiance to Malak only because I thought you had lost the power you once wielded. But you have proven yourself. I see you possess the strength to destroy Malak and reclaim the mantle of Dark Lord. Now I see you will make a worthy Sith Master."
"I need deny my passions no longer, Revan. I would stand by your side gladly as your lover and apprentice. I swore allegiance to Malak only because I thought you had lost the power you once wielded. But this .. this would be much better. I would be utterly yours, Master! Together we would destroy Malak and you would reclaim the mantle of Dark Lord!"
"Yes!" Revan said. "Together we will be victorious! And I reward those loyal to me." He looked directly at Bastila and, without breaking eye contact, gently placed a hand on each of her lightsaber burns, one by one. At each touch she winced, then relaxed as the wound was healed. "I am not the monster the Jedi believe. There is more to the Dark Side than hate and carnage. There is also love, and passion. Unlike the Jedi, we do not fear our feelings. The Dark Side not only makes us strong and powerful, it makes us our complete, uncompromised selves. Those who truly give themselves to the Dark side will understand, as Bastila now does."
"Listen to me," Jolee said. "The Dark Side leads to death and destruction. I've seen the horrors the Sith have unleashed on the galaxy. Turn away from this path."
Jolee had made his decision, then. His continued presence was only blocking Juhani from considering Revan's overtures. Revan started to answer Jolee, but to his surprise and satisfaction, Bastila beat him to it.
"Shut up, old man," Bastila said. "Your time is over! The age of the Jedi and the Republic is no more! This is the age of Darth Revan and the Sith!"
"Don't do this, kid," Jolee said to Revan. "I don't want to, but I'll fight you if I have to. Even if it costs me my life."
"Then you must die!" Revan said.
"Yes!" Bastila cried in agreement. "The sacrificial blood will consecrate this ancient temple in the name of the Sith! With the death of the Jedi the rebirth of Darth Revan will be complete!"
Jolee took the initiative, striking at Bastila and Revan with a wave of Force power, knocking them each back a step. Juhani, following Jolee's lead, leaped at Revan and Bastila, slashing with wild strokes, making both of them focus on her. Jolee took this opportunity to strengthen himself in the Force, increasing his speed and abilities, shielding himself against attacks.
Revan returned Juhani's attacks with his own flurry of blows, stepping between Juhani and Bastila. It might be necessary to kill Juhani, and if so he would do it without mercy. But it might not, and he didn't want Bastila striking her down unnecessarily. With Juhani focused solely on Revan, Bastila turned to Jolee, leaping and spinning, double red blades flashing.
But this was not Jolee's first battle. He sidestepped Bastila's attack and struck at her with the Force, knocking her off balance. He followed this by creating a whirlwind in the Force, spinning Bastila off her feet and away from him. Ever the nontraditionalist, he reached for his blaster instead of his lightsaber. Twice he fired, and twice Bastila somehow, still spinning in the whirlwind, deflected his shots with her lightsaber. But her luck could not hold.
Seeing Bastila's struggle, Revan switched to a single-handed grip on his lightsaber and assumed a defensive posture, blocking and parrying Juhani's attacks, while he extended the other hand toward Jolee. Reaching out in the Force, he attacked Jolee's will with the Dark Side, sapping the older man's endurance, weaking his resolve. Jolee's next shot at Bastila went wide as the hand holding the blaster began to tremble. Then the whirlwind dissipated, freeing Bastila. She sprung again at Jolee, and this time he had no answer. Drawing his lightsaber, he mounted his best defense, but Bastila was easily the more powerful dualist. She continued her vicious attack, driving Jolee backward across the temple top.
With Bastila regaining the upper hand, Revan refocused on Juhani, switching back to a two-handed grip on his lightsaber. Her attacks were powerful, her form flawless. A lesser foe might have become flustered and overwhelmed. But Revan was experienced and smooth, proficient in lightsaber forms of his own creation. He almost casually deflected Juhani's blows, allowing her to expend her energy on him, waiting for the moment to strike.
Jolee, freed from Revan's draining attack and knowing that a long battle favored his younger opponent, made a last-ditch attempt at playing to his own strengths. Again calling on the Light Side, he tried to stun Bastila. Recognizing his tactic, Bastila screamed in defiance, returning his attack with a burst of Dark Side lightning. Jolee, no stranger to Sith abilities, absorbed Bastila's attack, at the cost of losing focus on his own. Still, Bastila was slowed, shaking her head, trying to dispel the sudden lethargy that Jolee had induced. Jolee pressed his advantage, now driving Bastila backward as she fought to defend herself.
The temple top was narrow, allowing little room for maneuvering. Jolee and Bastila's path brought them close to where Revan and Juhani remained locked in combat. Juhani glanced sideways at Bastila and Jolee, and in this distraction Revan saw his opportunity. Stepping inside Juhani's guard, he kicked viciously, catching her in the stomach, driving her stumbling backward. Revan had been tracking the other battle, and saw that Bastila was recovering from Jolee's failed but still debilitating attempt at stunning her. Soon, Bastila would again be at full strength, while Jolee would be spent. Bastila would overwhelm him, killing the elderly man who, despite all his protestations against the Council, had been revealed as a Jedi at heart.
Revan wanted to kill Jolee himself.
With Juhani still recoving her balance, Revan spun between Jolee and Bastila, knocking Jolee's lightsaber out of his hand, sending it clattering down the sloping side of the temple. Revan plunged his lightsaber into Jolee's chest, the purple blade piercing Jolee's heart and extending out his back between his shoulder blades. Sustaining himself through the Force for a last moment, Jolee locked his eyes on Revan's.
"Was it worth it, old man?" Revan hissed through clenched teeth. "You threw away the opportunity to stand at the side of the galaxy's rescuer. You could have been remembered as the wise icon who guided Darth Revan back from his greatest defeat, the sage hand behind the greatest Sith of all time. I would have allowed you that fiction, granted you the legacy of an elder statesman. But no. You walked away from the Jedi for a life of obscurity, hid in a hut on a backwater planet for your last best days, and finally chose the losing side in the greatest conflict of an age. I endured your ramblings in the hope that you would show the slightest flicker of vision, but instead you chose death. Perhaps sometimes with age comes wisdom, but for you it brought only failure. Goodbye, old man. I will not miss you."
Revan extinguished his lightsaber and Jolee collapsed to the stone surface of the temple top, eyes glazed over. Revan turned to Juhani, who was standing with mouth agape.
"Jolee is gone," Revan said. "He chose poorly. Will you die for the Jedi too, Juhani? Why do you feel such a bond to them? Did they not teach you to avoid attachment?"
"Yes they did," Juhani said, "but-"
"Then why would you believe the Jedi cared for you? Did they not spend years training you to not care for others? Listen to their own lesson. They never valued you. But I do. That's why I saved you in the grove. That's why I brought you with me, kept you as one of my own."
Juhani started to object, but Revan cut in.
"What about Belaya? How did the Jedi treat your feelings for her? And hers for you?"
"You ... you know about that?" Juhani asked hesitantly.
"Of course I do," Revan said. "Would a Master who is less than perceptive be worth serving? I met Belaya soon after I landed at the Jedi Enclave after Taris, then again after meeting you at the grove. She was quite grateful to me for saving you. Your history with her was plain to me. Did you not know that was why Quatra arranged the test that sent you to the grove in the first place?"
"That was because of Belaya?"
"Of course." Revan in fact knew no such thing, but Juhani was not in any position to prove him wrong. "And did I ever tell you what the Jedi Council told me of you when they sent me to the grove?"
"No," Juhani said. "What did they say?"
"Nothing," Revan said. "They told me only that there was an evil in the grove that must be cleansed. They sent me, knowing full well who I was. They would have happily sacrificed your life in testing me. You were nothing but a tool in their eyes. But not in mine. I have wanted your service since I first saw you."
"And you knew you were Darth Revan when you saved me?" Juhani asked. "Why did you turn me back to the Light, if you serve the Dark?"
"Here is the secret," Revan said. He sensed Juhani wavering. "I do not hate the Light. Some among the Sith, with a lesser understanding of the Dark Side, may hold such self-defeating views. But I do not. I seek to understand the full Force, in all its aspects. Do not judge me through the narrow lens of the Jedi. You have served under my leadership already. Judge me by your own experience. Did we not resolve the conflict with the Sand People on Tatooine? Did we not kill the beast that was slaughtering Republic soldiers on Manaan? Have you not already fought alongside Bastila, and found her a capable and admirable ally? We are your family now, more than the Jedi ever were. In your heart you were always one of us. You know this. Join with us and we will deal with Malak first, then confront larger evils. I have shared my innermost secrets with you. You must know that I cannot let you live if your loyalty is in question. Do not make me destroy you."
"But to turn to the Sith-" Juhani began, but Revan cut her off. It was time.
"You have but two options," Revan said. "Swear allegiance to me, or die!" He raised a hand and Juhani was lifted off the ground, hung in mid-air, suspended by Revan's power. He closed his raised hand into a fist and Juhani felt an iron grip on her throat, cutting off her breath. She gasped, writhed, and clawed at her neck, to no avail.
"Where is the will you showed me on Dantooine? Where is your strength, your passion?"
Juhani's eyes bulged. Her limbs began to twitch uncontrollably.
"You are more than this! Release your anger! Break your chains! Only through me will you be truly free!"
Revan locked his eyes on Juhani's and he saw her panic turn to fury. This was the moment. He had kept her off guard for this entire confrontation, but her true self was about to be revealed. Would she give herself over to the darkness that he sensed rising in her, or would she suppress it? The decision was hers; he could only give her the opportunity. Very carefully, without changing his expression, he slightly relaxed his grip on Juhani's throat, allowing her a small taste of oxygen, a sliver of hope. She could not suspect he had done this. She must believe she had achieved this by resisting. Every Sith apprentice must believe, in their secret heart, that they can someday defeat their Master. Revan must kindle that hope while still gaining her loyalty. It was a delicate dance, but one he had performed many times before. Juhani's eyes, which had been fading, were now bright and clear. Her lips peeled back from her sharp fangs. Revan gave her one final opportunity, confident now in what she should choose.
"Embrace the Dark Side! Use it against me, or die!"
"ARRRRRRRRRGH!" Juhani's scream was pure gutteral rage, an animal cry of hatred. She threw all her being at Revan, breaking the hold. Could he have maintained it even against the new power she had found in the moment of her conversion? Perhaps. Probably. He was certain that soon his resurgent abilities would have been sufficient. Today, he was not sure. But it did not matter. For now, all that mattered was reinforcing her understanding that the Dark Side had made her strong. So Revan released the hold.
Bastila stepped forward to defend Revan, but he stopped her with a gesture. Juhani called her lightsaber to her through the Force and leaped at Revan, a Force-imbued blur. She brought down the killing blow, but it found only empty air. With even greater speed, Revan had sidestepped her attack and brought his own lightsaber to within millimeters of Juhani's neck. To her credit, she did not step away, but instead turned to face Revan, the fur on her neck smoking and sizzling. The heat must be searing her flesh, but she did not flinch.
"The Dark Side has made you strong. Use your new power to serve me with open eyes, knowing fully who I am," Revan said. "Should you ever betray me, I will complete what I started here today. Do you understand?"
"Yes, my Master," Juhani said. Her lightsaber hilt clattered to the stone floor. Revan deactivated his own blade, and Juhani knelt before him. "I serve Darth Revan, Dark Lord of the Sith."
"Very good," Revan said. He sensed a flash of jealousy from Bastila. Even better. Bastila should know that she was his foremost servant, but also that she was replaceable. He addressed Juhani: "To the Jedi, you were but a puppet, but among the Sith you will be great. Bastila and I will require leaders, and you will be among the very highest. Proceed now to the temple exit and wait for me there. I may be some time. Do not exit the temple until I arrive."
"Yes, Master," Juhani said. Retrieving her lightsaber and stepping over Jolee's body, she walked across the temple top and descended the stairs.
"You will have to disable the energy shield around this temple before we can leave," Bastila said. "There is a computer here on the Temple summit that has access to the power generators. You can also use it to disable the disruptor field that protects the Star Forge. Otherwise, the Ebon Hawk will not be able to leave the planet without crashing."
Bastila turned to lead Revan to the computer, but he caught her by the waist.
"I've missed you," Revan said, pulling her willing body close to him.
"And I you, Master."
Afterward, they deactivated the shields and prepared to leave. Revan marched across the temple top toward the stairs, but Bastila stopped him.
"Wait, Master."
"Yes?" Revan said, annoyed at the interruption.
Bastila pulled something from her belt, an object wrapped in a cloth. She dropped to one knee, and raised it to Revan as an offering.
"I have kept this since your flagship. I now return it to its rightful owner."
With a nod of appreciation, Revan unwrapped his mask and placed it on his face. Turning again to leave, he tossed Jolee's corpse aside with a casual gesture and strode to the exit.
This chapter is basically the in-game events on top of the Rakatan temple, with my own bits added in. I stayed mostly true to the in-game dialog and events, but altered them somewhat to better fit this fanfic, as well as for brevity (parts of Bastila's in-game dialog are unnecessarily chatty). And of course, I added a ton of my own dialog and events in various places.
The biggest modification is that in the actual game it is not possible to convert Juhani to the Dark Side. But it seemed like a fitting idea for this fanfic, and something I wish was in the real game. So I included it. Well, and Revan's mask doesn't actually appear in-game either, but I thought this version of Revan should have it back.