KOTOR 1 - Carth Builds

This file details some considerations to make for a Carth build, and may eventually contain a few Carth builds from different playthroughs. We'll see how far I take it.


Carth is a Soldier. He starts with higher DEX than STR, and feats that tilt toward ranged combat. As a soldier, he gets a lot of feats, so you could spec him as a high-DEX melee combatant if you like.

In fact, Carth starts with a literally impossible collection of feats based on the Soldier class. The game developers artifically increased his early capabilities, because the main character may need to lean on Carth until more companions are available. This makes him suitable for melee in the very early game, even if you're building him for ranged.

This also gives us an opportunity to splurge on selected feats later in the build. Unfortunately, it doesn't do much good because, no matter what you try do with Carth, by mid-game there's always someone better at it.

You're required to use Carth in the early game. He's optional thereafter, other than one plot-centric part of the game where you're required to take him and Bastila. Completing his companion quest involves taking him for at least part of Korriban, but you can put him back on the ship after that's done if you like.


Carth's progression details per level (g = granted, s = selected)

Character Level Class Level Attributes Skills Feats Force Powers
4 Soldier 4 STR: 13 (+1)
WIS: 10 (+0)
CHA: 12 (+1)
INT: 13 (+1)
CON: 12 (+1)
DEX: 16 (+3)
8 points
Persuade +0 (0)
Computer use +0 (0)
Stealth +0 (0)
Awareness +3 (3)
Repair +1 (1)
Security +1 (1)
Treat Injury +4 (4)
Demolitions +0 (0)
Power Attack (g)
Power Blast (g)
Two-Weapon Fighting (g)
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (g)
Armor Proficiency: Heavy
Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol (g)
Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle (g)
Weapon Proficiency: Heavy Weapons (g)
Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons (g)
Weapons Specialization: Blaster Pistol (g)
5 Soldier 5 1 point
Toughness (s)
6 Soldier 6 1 point
Improved Toughness (s)
7 Soldier 7 1 point
Improved Power Blast (s)
8 Soldier 8 DEX +1, 17 (+3) 1 point
Master Two-Weapon Fighting (s)
9 Soldier 9 1 point
Master Power Blast (s)
10 Soldier 10 1 point
Master Toughness (s)
11 Soldier 11 1 point
Implant I (s)
12 Soldier 12 DEX +1, 18 (+4) 1 point
Implant II (s)
13 Soldier 13 1 point
Implant III (s)
14 Soldier 14 1 point
Conditioning (s)
15 Soldier 15 1 point
Improved Conditioning (s)
16 Soldier 16 DEX +1, 19 (+4) 1 point
Master Conditioning (s)
17 Soldier 17 1 point
18 Soldier 18 1 point
Rapid Shot (s)
19 Soldier 19 1 point
20 Soldier 20 DEX +1, 20 (+5) 1 point
Improved Rapid Shot (s)

This is a ranged build. It prioritizes damage output, but also includes some survivability.

I pushed DEX for every attribute bump. If for some reason you want Carth to have more skill points, you could drop a point into INT at level 8. He'd then gain 2 points per character level. I don't know why you'd want to, but hey, you could.

I didn't specify skills. Class skills are: Demolitions, Awareness, and Treat Injury. With just 1 skill point per level-up, it is probably best to pick one skill and stick to it. As a ranged character, Carth will probably tend to be in the back, and therefore isn't the ideal person to take Awareness. The exception might be on Taris, if you're initially using him as melee.

I took the first two Toughness feats very early, because this build was created to accompany a Scoundrel main character and therefore Carth will likely do some melee on Taris. But I didn't want to take any feats that were specifically for melee, which would be a waste by the end.

Because of his plethora of prepackaged feats when you first get him, Carth basically runs out of feats to take by the end of the build. I took the first two Rapid Shot feats to finish it off. If you prefer that line (and there are good mathematical reasons to like it), you could take that whole line earlier and instead never take Master Power Blast.

For main character builds that use Sneak Attack, Carth could be made more useful in the late game by taking the Sniper Shot line and giving him two pistols with a stunning chance. Saul's pistol is the best in the game, and Carth using it seems like poetic justice. The main problem with this idea is that Mission is much more effective in this role, in no small part because her Sneak Attack would benefit from those same stuns. There is, however, one particular segment of the game where you are required to use Carth, so it wouldn't be completely pointless.