This file details some considerations to make for an HK-47 build, and may eventually contain a few HK-47 builds from different playthroughs. We'll see how far I take it.
HK-47 is a Combat Droid. Despite his rather high Strength (16), he can't equip melee weapons. Which is probably good, because his Constitution is unimpressive (10). People seem to use a mix of blasters, blaster rifles, and heavy weapons with him. However, he has a very limited number of selected feats, which makes customization difficult. Also, despite being described in-game as an "assassin droid", he is incapable of Stealth.
You are not required to use HK-47 in your party (or even to buy him at all). Commonly, though, you'll use him on Tatooine when talking to the Sand People. Everything else notable related to HK-47 can be completed on the Ebon Hawk, so you never have to take him off the ship again if you don't want to. He's generally considered an interesting companion, but one of the weaker ones.
Superior Targeting Computer (found in a footlocker on the Command Deck of the Leviathan) gives Weapon Focus: Blaster Rifle and Weapon Specialization: Blaster Rifle. No other gear he can equip grants feats.
Somebody on Reddit said this about HK:
You can get the baragwin droid shield generator from yavin and give it to HK, and then draw as much fire onto him as possible and use the infinite shield as every second or third action, he makes a pretty decent tank that way.
Damage vise, the most useful thing to do is use the flame thrower. Unfortunately you won't get the infinite one until your third star map, which sucks because they're most useful early game, and the limited use ones are extremely hard to come by.
You could technically do more DPS if you teach him heavy weapons and give him the baragwin heavy repeating rifles as you unlock them, but the fact that the flame throwers do half damage even if the enemy saves and the horror aspect of the flame throwers makes them much nicer imo. Also the flame thrower is 1/6th the price and you unlock it way earlier.
The droid shield disruptors are decent against droids as well.
Even with the utility items the droids are definitely the weakest companions when it comes to combat, which absolutely blows since HK has some of the most fun dialogue options.
HK-47's progression details per level (g = granted, s = selected)
Character Level |
Class Level |
Attributes |
Skills |
Feats |
Force Powers |
6 |
Combat Droid 6 |
STR: 16 (+3) WIS: 12 (+1) CHA: 10 (+0) INT: 14 (+2) CON: 10 (+0) DEX: 14 (+2)
16 points Persuade +0 (0) Computer use +0 (0) Stealth N/A Awareness +5 (5) Repair +6 (6) Security +0 (0) Treat Injury N/A Demolitions +5 (5) |
Power Blast (g) Droid Upgrade Class I (g) Combat Logic Upgrade (g) Toughness (g) Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol (g) Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle (g) Weapon Proficiency: Heavy Weapons (g) Weapon Focus: Blaster Rifle (g) |
7 |
Combat Droid 7 |
2 points ? |
Droid Upgrade Class 2 (g) |
8 |
Combat Droid 8 |
DEX +1, 15 (+2) |
2 points ? |
9 |
Combat Droid 9 |
2 points ? |
Improved Power Blast (s) |
10 |
Combat Droid 10 |
2 points ? |
11 |
Combat Droid 11 |
2 points ? |
12 |
Combat Droid 12 |
DEX +1, 16 (+3) |
2 points ? |
Battle Droid Logic Upgrade (g) Master Power Blast (s) |
13 |
Combat Droid 13 |
2 points ? |
Droid Upgrade Class 3 (g) |
14 |
Combat Droid 14 |
2 points ? |
15 |
Combat Droid 15 |
2 points ? |
Toughness (s) |
16 |
Combat Droid 16 |
DEX +1, 17 (+3) |
2 points ? |
17 |
Combat Droid 17 |
2 points ? |
18 |
Combat Droid 18 |
2 points ? |
Improved Toughness (s) |
19 |
Combat Droid 19 |
2 points ? |
20 |
Combat Droid 20 |
DEX +1, 18 (+4) |
2 points ? |
This is a basic Blaster Rifle build. It prioritizes damage output.
I didn't specify skills. Take whatever seems useful. Class skills are: Computer Use, Demolitions, Awareness, Repair, Security
The Toughness feats could be replaced by something else, but there aren't a lot of impactful choices. Dueling doesn't apply to Blaster Rifles or Heavy Weapons. If a different special attack (Rapid Shot, maybe?) were preferred, those feat selections could help with that.
This build does not take into account the various bonuses that HK-47 receive via conversation with the main character (and associated repairs). Those don't change anything in the build, they just make him a bit more effective. If you do intend to extensively use HK-47 in combat, it'd be a good idea to make sure the main character has sufficient Repair skill to unlock all the bonuses.