KOTOR 1 - Mission Builds - Melee

Mission's progression details per level (g = granted, s = selected)

Character Level Class Level Attributes Skills Feats Force Powers
3 Scoundrel 3 STR: 10 (+0)
WIS: 11 (+0)
CHA: 10 (+0)
INT: 14 (+2)
CON: 12 (+1)
DEX: 16 (+3)
29 points
Persuade +0 (0)
Computer use +2 (2)
Stealth +6 (6)
Awareness +6 (6)
Repair +0 (0)
Security +6 (6)
Treat Injury +3 (3)
Demolitions +6 (6)
Critical Strike (g)
Sniper Shot (g)
Dueling (g)
Caution (g)
Scoundrel's Luck (g)
Sneak Attack I (g)
Sneak Attack II (g)
Armor Proficiency: Light
Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol (g)
Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle (g)
Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons (g)
4 Scoundrel 4 DEX +1, 17 (+3) 5 points
5 Scoundrel 5 5 points
Sneak Attack III (g)
Improved Dueling (s)
6 Scoundrel 6 5 points
Improved Scoundrel's Luck (g)
7 Scoundrel 7 5 points
Sneak Attack IV (g)
8 Scoundrel DEX +1, 18 (+4) 5 points
Master Dueling (s)
9 Scoundrel 9 5 points
Sneak Attack V (g)
10 Scoundrel 10 5 points
11 Scoundrel 11 5 points
Sneak Attack VI (g)
Toughness (s)
12 Scoundrel 12 DEX +1, 19 (+4) 5 points
Master Scoundrel's Luck (g)
13 Scoundrel 13 5 points
Sneak Attack VII (g)
14 Scoundrel 14 5 points
Improved Critical Strike (s)
15 Scoundrel 15 5 points
Sneak Attack VIII (g)
16 Scoundrel 16 DEX +1, 20 (+5) 5 points
17 Scoundrel 17 5 points
Sneak Attack IX (g)
Master Critical Strike (s)
18 Scoundrel 18 5 points
19 Scoundrel 19 5 points
20 Scoundrel 20 DEX +1, 21 (+5) 5 points
Improved Toughness (s)

This is a melee build. It is designed for survivability, not damage output. The idea is that Mission will keep enemies occupied while someone else does most of the killing.

I pushed DEX for every attribute bump. This leaves her at an odd value, but presumably between gear and a Jedi companion with Master Valor, this could even out.

There's an argument to be made that pushing INT would give better average damage, because Sniper Shot would land more often. At least, this guy's match said so. As of this writing, I haven't tried it. For this build, that would sacrifice some Defense.

I didn't specify skills. Class skills are: Demolitions, Stealth, Awareness, Security. Mission gets 5 skill points per level up, so she can max all four of those, and also scatter a few points into cross-class skills as you see fit.

Critical Strike sounds great, except that the crit multiplier doesn't multiply the Sneak Attack damage, AND the stun not only doesn't last long, but also only takes affect *after* the current attack. So it isn't as powerful for either doing damage OR triggering Sneak Attack as you'd hope.

I took Dueling instead of Two-Weapon Fighting for survivability. Not sure how that'll turn out, but I was curious enough to try.