WARNING: the following contains heavy spoilers about KOTOR I. Do not read it if you haven't played the game yet.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: these are loose notes and various links. Some of it is contradictory. It is all very poorly organized, as it is mostly just for my own personal use. A lot of it is copy/paste from things written by other people, without attribution. Sorry, I started this as a local text document and at this point I do not remember where I got all the different pieces from.
ANOTHER WARNING: you saw that there were going to be spoilers, right? If you haven't played the game, stop reading now.
Great guide to Yavin Station:
And cool combos you can get with the Yavin lightsaber crystals on your last visit:
These claim to be a way to run mods on the Mac/Steam version:
Max skill rank = class level+3 (for class skills) or half that for cross-class skills
As Scoundrel:
Starting skill points: (4+INT)*4 = 20
Level up skill points: 4+ (INT/2) = 4
As Scout:
Starting skill points: (3+INT)*4 = 16
Level up skill points: 3+(INT/2) = 3
Even with bonuses, a Scoundrel/Guardian would need to be level 19 to fully repair HK-47 as a scoundrel. A Scout/Guardian, I could theoretically do it at 8 (would probably be a little later in practice, as nobody will have Master Valor by level 8).
A guardian with INT=12 gets 1 skill point per level. To get to 2, I need INT=14.
Scoundrel has the most skill points, plus Persuade, which is needed earlier than Repair. But Scoundrel does not have Repair.
Scout has Repair but not Persuade, and less skill points. But all Jedi classes have Persuade.
Scout is a good first class if Repair and Persuade are the main skills I care about.
Scoundrel/Guardian gets me max skill points, and a melee character, but makes HK-47 hard to repair.
Consular has Repair, so Scoundrel/Consular would get me both Persuade and Repair as class skills. But that combo is very weak in melee, and I'd like to go melee with this character.
Skills that require training:
Magic adjusted numbers for Persuade are 13, 19, and 26. If I'm not going to be able to make the next magic number, there's not much point in advancing higher.
An adjusted 19 on Persuade gets me past most (but not all) Persuade checks. Charisma and Force Valor can both give a bonus. "Master Valor" with an odd Charisma gives +3 (or +2 with an even Charisma).
Story thought: the worlds you visit are probably pretty strange to a lot of your companions. Bastila, Carth, and Canderous have been around the galaxy. But it seems like Juhani hasn't and Zaalbar and Mission almost certainly haven't. For example, when you crash land on Lehon is probably the first time that Mission has seen an actual beach up close. Might be fun in a fanfic to describe her splashing around in the surf.
Someone on Reddit said this. I haven't verified:
If you want to duplicate equippable stuff in K1, make sure no one has it equipped, and have a character use an item (stim, medpac, shield), before the animation finishes hit pause and equip that item on all 3 party members, it’s easiest to tell it worked if you dupe a weapon at the same time, they’ll finish the item animation, and do a weapon animation while another party member is holding it, save before that animation finishes and load that save, now all 3 should have it equipped and all it cost you was a single shield/item use, it’s infinite money as well
Neither dueling nor two-weapon fighting apply to rifles or heavy blasters. However, according to this person, heavy weapons still outcompete TWF + dual pistols. And they did the math, so they might be right.
Cheat Codes:
Disclaimer: I have only done on PC, not sure how/if this works on other platforms.
To enable the cheat console, add this to the [Game Options] section of your swkotor.ini file:
Invoke the console in-game with the tilde key (~) then type whatever code you want. The little screenshot on the Save/Load screen will have prominent "Cheat Used" text overlaid on it from that point forward. Not that you probably care, it isn't like there are KOTOR police who will come arrest you for using a cheat in a single-player game.
Warp codes can be useful to save running, especially if you just want to go check out a particular thing. They are also useful to get Bastila on Korriban as a party member. Just go to some other planet, add her to your party, then warp to Korriban like this:
warp korr_m33aa
This takes you into town. There are also codes in the list for jumping further in. Be aware that the Ebon Hawk, from the game's perspective, has not moved. So even though it will appear to be on Korriban, and you can board it, when you get off you will be on Dantooine. Doesn't really hurt anything, but can be disorienting. Anyway, taking Bastila to Korriban is worth doing for at least one playthrough, as she has a fair number of lines specific to that planet. If you take Carth as well (and why wouldn't you, Dustil is there, after all) they have some planet-specific banter.
This has a big list of item codes:
There is a hidden cleave mechanic which grants a second full attack round against a new enemy during the same turn each time a character defeats an opponent.
Bastilla will gripe at me if I use Force Persuade/Dominate Mind/whatever-it-is, but it ultimately won't affect how she feels about me
When you talk to Bastilla's mother, make sure she and Bastilla end on good terms. Make sure to talk to her between each mission.
If you kiss Bastilla on the Ebon Hawk (should be before the leviathan/3rd star map), don't speak to her about it AT ALL after that point, to avoid an unfortunate basegame bug. You can talk to her about other things, but there's probably not much reason to.
If you meet someone in a grove wielding a lightsaber, you don't have to kill them.
There's an unfortunate Sand People disguise bug: if you save and reload, or if you fast-transit back to the Ebon Hawk, while wearing the Sand People robes, they stop working as disguises. So don't do that. If you happen to anyway, you can switch to a different set of robes (they're easy enough to come by), as the broken ones will appear separately in inventory from the others.
Here's an HK-47 repair guide. https://strategywiki.org/wiki/Star_Wars:_Knights_of_the_Old_Republic/HK-47
And here's an HK-47 build guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/kotor/comments/6txcax/making_hk47_great_again/
In summary:
- purchase him Yuka Laka, the Ithorian proprietor of the droid shop in Anchorhead on Tatooine
- buy Calrissian's Utility Belt (Repair +3) from the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine
- have someone use Mastor Valor (Int +5)
- buy the Memory Package implant (Int +1) from Gadon Thek in the Hidden Bek Base on Taris (requires Implant feat level 1). Somebody else said I had to kill Gadon to get the implant.
Below is a table of the required repair skill to repair hk while wearing Calrissian's Utility Belt and casting master valor depending on your int.
8-9 int 13 repair
10-11 int 12 repair
12-13 int 11 repair
14-15 int 10 repair
16-17 int 9 repair
18 int 8 repair
He's not the best min/max companion in combat. Some ideas:
- give him Jamoh Hogra's Carbine
- ignore power shot and sniper shot and instead go for rapid shot
- fully upgraded Jomah's and rapid shot
- I like Pistols on HK-47 myself. Go with Fett's heavy blaster and Saul Kareth's Sith Assassin Pistol.
- I gave him was Jurgan Kaltas Carbine you can buy on Dantooine
- keep HK on the best Blaster Rifle you have. For a while, that'll be Zaalbar's Bowcaster, unless you buy Jurgan Kalta's carbine. It's expensive, but it is VERY hard-hitting.
- try this: https://www.reddit.com/r/kotor/comments/6txcax/making_hk47_great_again/
Reddit post by u/RNGtan about skills in a Scoundrel/Consular build:
Security is sort of a joke in the first game because every lock can be bashed with no strings attached. Those that can't need 91, which is impossible to reach without glitch exploits. Speedrunners have some strats with 91 Security to sequence break 'impossible' locks. I recommend not bothering with it.
How high the other skills must be depends on what attributes you have and how willing you are to swap around equipment. Here are the thresholds:
13 Persuade to clear everything (save scumming required), 19 for less RNG dependency
13 Computer Use is required for the only quest that needs it, otherwise it only reduces spike consumption (which T3 gives you tons of)
17 Repair
20 Demolition
20 Awareness
Now, I usually recommend 16+5/14 WIS/CHA for a caster, but your build may require 14+5/14 since you do not dump INT.
With LS mastery you will have 17 CHA, 22 CHA with Master Valor. That means that you only need a base Persuade of 7 to clear everything, or 13 if you want to aim for the higher threshold instead.
For Repair you have the +3 Calrissian's Utility Belt, then +3 from the 6 INT from Master Valor and the Memory Package (requires siding with the Vulkars). Since Scoundel/Consular don't have many feats, Implant is the first that doesn't make it, so aim for 13 at 8 base INT and subtract 1 for every two INT beyond 8.
14 WIS and the +4 at level 16 gives you +4 Awareness. Assuming that you wear the +8 Demolitions Sensor (Korriban) for mine duty (you usually wear the Circlet of Saresh from Kashyyyk instead) you need 8 base Awareness.
For Demolition you get +4 from the Demolitions Sensor and optionally +6 from the Verpine Bond Gauntlets (Korriban). At 8 INT you only need 11 to clear Deadly mines and 17 without the gauntlets, subtract 1 for every two INT above 8.
A level 8 Scoundrel gets 33 skill points at level 8, and 11 points for every two INT above 8 INT. Consular gets 1 point every level, and 2 point evey level at 12 INT. To clear Awareness and Persuade you only need 21 points. If you wear the Verpine Bond Gauntlets, you can actually come by with 10 INT; you only need additional 12 and 10 for Demolition and Repair and can get the requisite 44 points just from the Scoundrel levels, then use the Consular levels to decrease the need for the gauntlets and Master Valor for Persuade over time.
Companion Class Skills Matrix
Computer Use
Treat Injury
Note: Droids cannot take points in Stealth or Treat Injury.
To install mods in Steam on Mac (this was from 6 years ago so may have changed):
In Steam, right click the game and go Properties > Local Files > Browse Local Files. Then right click Knights of the Old Republic > Show Package Contents > KOTOR Data and then paste the files in Override (or make a new folder and label it Override if it doesn't exist). Most mods you find will work on Mac this way unless they have their own installer. There are some pretty cool ones out there that add a lot of replay value, so it's worth exploring for your next playthrough.
And someone else said:
You can make a new Override folder. So long as it's within the folder titled 'KOTOR Data' then it should work (I say that because my swkotor.ini is in 'swkotor' not 'KOTOR Data').
"Completing" a planet means getting the Star Map, not just visiting the planet.
There's a party member on Tatooine and a party member on Kashyyyk. It might be a good idea to visit each of those early and get the party members, but don't necessarily complete the planet. Visiting Tatooine first helps move Bastilla's quests along, so that's probably the best choice.
Juhani will not join your party if you choose to kill her rather than redeeming her from the dark side after fighting her at the grove on Dantooine.
HK-47 is available to be purchased from the droid shop on Tattooine, and although he is required for peacefully resolving the conflict with the Sand People, he is not required to complete the game.
The companions in KOTOR 1 who have associated, non-mandatory quest are as follows: Bastila, Canderous, Mission, Carth, Jolee, and Juhani.
DO NOT start Juhani's personal quest until you have completed all other quests involving a messenger due to a massive bug.
If you want to do the Genoharadan Assassination Quests, make sure you complete them before getting your fourth star map. Additionally, do these ASAP if you are LS or you won't have much chance to undo the DS points you get.
Best to save Korriban for last. Unless you just want to drop in and buy the awesome but not cheap Cassus Fett's Heavy Pistol.
Yavin Station restocks after getting 3rd and 5th Star Maps, so visit then. Suvam Tan, the vendor on Yavin IV (available on PC only) will pay 2.6 times as much for anything you sell. So make sure you ONLY sell to him. Additionally, make sure you have won 10 rounds of Pazaak against Suvam (save and reload if you lose, he is a competent player) to get a discount at his store for buying stuff (doesn't affect selling).
Talk to all companions on each planet. Take each one with you off the Ebon Hawk, even if you don't do anything else with them. Some are unlocked when you complete a certain number of star maps, so just because it doesn't work on a planet for someone once doesn't mean it won't work later. Also, return to Dantooine after finding each star map and exit the Ebon Hawk individually with each companion. Do this before leaving Dantooine the first time, too.
Some particulars:
- it is critical for Mission's quest to have begun before finishing Tatooine (more specifically, before entering the Sand People enclave)
- for Jolee, Sunry should be tried, whatever the outcome, before you take the submersible down to the Hrakert Rift to avoid any problems
- for Carth, he should be brought with you on Korriban and his situation with Dustil resolved before entering the Tomb of Naga Sadow
- there is a bug with Juhani's companion quest in which, once her companion quest is unlocked, no other quests will proc
Also, getting her romance dialog to trigger is notoriously buggy. Here is a guide.
1) Yavin IV first visit
2) Tatooine to completion. Make sure to do Bastila's quest and advance Mission's until you need a Tach Gland (which are only found in one area on Kashyyyk). Make sure to start Mission's search for her brother BEFORE heading to the Sand People Compound.
3) Complete Kashyyyk up until Jolee joins (LS) OR to completion (DS)
4) Go to Manaan and start/complete the Genoharadan Assassination quests which take you to Dantooine, Tatooine and Kashyyyk as well.
5) Complete Kashyyyk if you didn't already
6) Yavin IV second visit
7) Advance Manaan until you are about to go underwater. Do not proceed unless you have progressed the Bastila romance plot to the kiss and have done all you wanted on Dantooine.
8) Finish Manaan and then the Leviathan
9) Complete Korriban
10) Yavin IV third visit
This order safely nets you everything for either alignment, fits in thematically and has a smooth difficulty curve (outside possibly a few fights on Tatooine).
Some details on the Juhani quest bug here: https://strategywiki.org/wiki/Star_Wars:_Knights_of_the_Old_Republic/Juhani
tl;dr: after she's told the part of her history about how she was sold into slavery, don't take her off the Ebon Hawk anywhere except Dantooine or Yavin Station until you finish the other companion sidequests and meet the Twi'lek Ziagrom (who gives you access to the secret shop on Korriban). Meeting Ziagrom doesn't happen until after escaping the Leviathan. So basically, take a big Junani break.
Talk to every companion on every planet and, every time the main character gains a level. Some things are triggered by location, others by character level. Exceptions are T3-M4 (who has nothing to say) and Zaalbar (who has almost nothing to say after he declares his life debt).
Most companions are fairly forgiving, but it is possible to choose dialog options that make them mad enough to not talk to you anymore. Save the game before talking to them. Then if you think you've done terminated their dialog quest, check the quest text and see if it says something along the lines of "they may talk to you more later". If you terminated it (and you didn't want to), reload and try again.
Make sure Bastila and her mother finish on good terms. This happens if her mother keeps the Holocron (may also happen other ways, but I'm sure this one works).
If you kiss Bastila, don't talk to her again until the Star Forge. Or if you do talk to her, don't talk about "what happened".
After Juhani tells you she was sold into slavery, don't take her off the Hawk anywhere except Yavin or Dantooine until after you meet Ziagrom, which is after the Leviathan. It is probably safe to get away from the landing area and use the Change Party screen to add her, as messenger quests only trigger close to the ship. But I haven't actually tried this. And you'd have to remember to change her back out before going back to the ship.
Make sure HK-47 is fully repaired (if you're doing that) before the Leviathan. After meeting Malak on the Leviathan, talk to HK-47 at your first opportunity.
The following characters have "messenger" quests that only trigger if you take them off the Hawk:
- Bastila (after Dantooine Star Map and her 3rd dialog, where she talks about your training progress, anywhere except Manaan and Korriban)
- Carth (after 2nd Star Map, anywhere but Korriban)
- Canderous (after he tells you how Revan killed Mandalore, anywhere but Tatooine)
- Jolee (after Kashyyyk, anywhere except Kashyyyk and Manaan)
- Juhani (after she tells you she was sold into slavery, anywhere except Dantooine)
Note: none of this triggers on Yavin. It is a safe place to take anyone off the Hawk without much happening.
Mission and Zaalbar also have personal quests, but they trigger via normal conversation and not messengers. Talk to each of them often until their quests are complete. MY NOTE: that isn't accurate for Mission, is it? Don't you have to meet Lena?
On Taris, if you get the rakghoul serum, take it to the doctor, buy more of it, and return to the undercity before asking the doctor to open the cage, you can save the people inside
Early-game infinite XP glitch: On the Endar Spire, when you open the door at the very end of the ship (where you meet Carth) save the game as it's opening and then reload your save. Carth and you will speak and you'll get 250XP but the door will not have opened. Allowing you to use this method for infinite XP.
Double Bendak Blasters
To get double Bendak Blasters and extra money, go through the Arena quest and get to Twitch. Defeat Twitch and instead of talking to the Hutt to get your money, talk to Bendak and get the Deathmatch. Then, talk to Ajuur and he will talk about bribing officers and not give you the money. Leave, return, then talk to Ajuur to fight Bendak. When you kill him, talk to Ajuur again to get the 700 credits and Bendak Blaster. Talk to him once more and he will act as if you just defeated Twitch, but a "700 Credits" and "Item(s) Received" message will appear. Check your items and you will have two Bendak Blasters.
Here is how the game starts, including most of the early conversation:
Main character is shown waking up. He starts out lying in a normal bunk, wearing his space underwear, in a normal room, with other bunks, but no one else in the room
He stands up and looks around, as if confused. Which isn't surprising, he'd be confused about why they were in a battle even without all the special circumstances. But it could also be confusion if this is the first time in his life he's ever been conscious.
Then the door opens and Trask runs in, wearing full battle gear and holding a blaster. The main character is already facing that direction when the door opens.
Trask runs directly to the main character and says "We've been ambushed by a Sith battle fleet! The Endar Spire is under attack! Hurry up - we don't have much time!"
Through the open door, there is visible smoke in the hallway, and an astromech droid, but no other people
The main character can ask either "Who are you?" or "The Endar Spire?"
Trask's answer to "The Endar Spire?" is "Did you fall out of your bunk and hit your head? The Endar Spire is the ship we're stationed on - this ship! You probably don't even know who I am do you?"
Then he says "I'm Trask Ulgo, ensign with the Republic Fleet. I'm your bunk mate here on the Endar Spire. We work opposite shifts. I guess that's why you haven't seen me before."
Then: "Now hurry up. We have to find Bastila! We have to make sure she makes it off the ship alive!"
The main character can say he's going to save his own skin, but for this playthrough mine will choose the other option: "Who's Bastila?"
Trask answers "Bastila's the commanding officer on the Endar Spire. Well, not an officer, really. But she's the one in charge of this mission."
He continues: "One of our primary duties is to guarantee her survival in the event of enemy attack! You swore an oath just like everyone else on this mission. Now's the time to make good on that oath!
He continues: "I've heard all about your reputation: ..." the rest of that sentence, and the next couple of sentences is specific to starting class. Regardless, he ends by saying Bastila needs their help.
The lines for a Soldier are: "I've heard all about your reputation: elite combat training, tops in your class. It's no wonder you were hand picked for this mission. Word is the officers haven't seen a recruit with your kind of potential in twenty year. But all that doesn't mean a thing if you can't deliver when it counts! We're soliders, we're trained for combat. Bastila's going to need men and women like us at her side during this attack!"
The main character can be selfish again, or say "Okay, let's go help Bastila!"
Trask then says "Hurry up and grab your gear. You need to suit up so we can get out of here."
At this point, the footlocker with the clone's gear is behind the clone. The clone will have to turn and expose his back to Trask to get his gear.
After the clone gears up (and assuming the main character skips the tutorial bits about how the game UI works) Trask says "Okay, let's move out. We should stick together: you'll have more success with a party than on your own."
Trask has the main character "use him" to open the door. The main character can again skip the explict "what to click" bits, but the "use me" part can't be avoided. I'll just have to pretend Trask ran over and opened the door.
Trask then says "Now that the door's open, you better take the lead again."
Carth then calls over the communicator that the Sith are threatening to overrun the ship, and calls all hands to the bridge.
Trask says "That was Carth contacting us on our portable communicators. He's one of the Republic's best pilots! He's seen more combat than the rest of the Endar Spire's crew put together. If he says things are bad, you better believe it. We have to get to the bridge to help defend Bastila!
Turns out, there's a second locked door that Trask has to slice through to get into the general areas of the ship.
They battle their way toward the bridge.
They open a door and encounter a lightsaber fight between a Jedi and a "Dark Jedi". Trask says "It's a Dark Jedi! This fight is too much for us - we better stay back. All we'd do is get in the way." He's standing a bit behind the main character when he says it (assuming the main character opened the door).
The Jedi wins, killing the Dark Jedi. But a power conduit immediately explodes behind her, killing her.
Trask says "That was one of the Jedi accompanying Bastila. Damn, we could have used her help."
They reach the bridge and fight more Sith. Afterward, Trask says "Bastila's not here on the bridge - they must have retreated to the escape pods! We better head that way too. The Sith want Bastila alive, but once she's off the ship there's nothing stopping them from blasting the Endar Spire into galactic dust!"
They leave the bridge and encounter a door. Trask says "There's something behind here."
The door opens to reveal Darth Bandon. Trask says "Damn - another Dark Jedi! I'll try to hold him off, you get to the escape pods! Go!
The door locks behind Trask, and the main character has no choice but to go to the escape pods.
Carth talks him through the last bit over the comm, and they meet up at the escape pods.
From Drew Karpyshyn's website: My billiard team is the original source of the name for a popular character in the Knights of the Old Republic game. My team was made up of 4 players with the last name Harrison, and 1 player (me) with the name Karpyshyn. So with 4 H’s and 1 K we were going to call ourselves the HK-41’s. But we decided HK-47 sounded more intimidating because of the well known AK-47 rifle, so we became the HK-47’s. Several years later, when I went to work for BioWare, I tacked the name onto the homicidal Hunter-Killer robot assassin who joined the player on his quest.
Non-glitchy ways to make money:
1) There's a lockbox with 2000 credits on the Vulkar loading dock on Taris, just off the big room you enter when you go down the elevator in search of the swoop accelerator. (The lockbox also contains some plasma grenades, which if you're level-saving are super useful for the Bendak duel.) You can either unlock the door using the computer in the garage head’s office, or you can repair one of the two droids near where you enter the garage and program it to ram the door. That's not a lot of money in the late game, but it makes a lot of difference early.
2) Start by depositing all your Security Spikes, Computer Spikes, Grenades and Medpacks in one of the containers on the Ebon Hawk. Then go talk to your allies (T3-M4, Mission, Zaalbar, Jolee) about making you some extras of the relevant item type. Once they stop, deposit all they have given you and go talk to them again. There is a cap on how much they can give you, which resets after each star map. You can make a ton of money this way, but not an infinite amount.
3) This is only viable if you intend to poison the large Firaxa on Manaan, but if you're willing to tank the DS points and the ban from Manaan, you can make a killing off of kolto. The galaxy will experience a dire shortage as soon as the Firaxa is poisoned, tripling the selling price of any kolto-related goods. For normal vendors this still won't cover the initial costs of items, but if you sell to Suvam Tam, it makes up for it and more. Buying medpacks--and especially advanced medpacks--from normal vendors, killing the Firaxa, and then selling those medpacks to Suvam works out to a 95% net profit on the sale of the goods.
4) The best non-glitched, always available way to infinitely farm credits is Desert Wraid farming. Kill the four Desert Wraids on Tatooine, collect their Plates and sell all four to Suvam for 256 credits a run. Saving and reloading is enough to respawn the wraids. This is much slower than all other methods, but might be your only available choice.
Optimial planet order for a story-focused Light Side run that pushes the Leviathan as late as possible.
Make sure Juhani is comfortable. She won't be leaving the Ebon Hawk for most of the game. But make sure you do all her dialogs along the way. This may require leveling her up some on the ship.
Kashyyyk, get Jolee. Complete everything EXCEPT the Star Map. This includes completing the Wookiee quests.
Korriban, just long enough to buy the good pistol (assuming you want it). It isn't very far in, and you should have the credits now.
Tatooine, to completion, so that Mission and Bastila will shut up about their quests and Carth will continue his. Get HK-47. 1st post-Dantooine Star Map.
If you want to do the Genoharadan Quests, do them now, so you have time to make up for the Dark Side points. If it is really important to you, you can even do this in the middle of Tatooine.
Make sure Carth doesn't want to talk about it (aka, his messenger quest about Dustil being on Korriban has been triggered)
Korriban, to completion. Redeem Dustil. Redeem other students. Redeem Yuthura. 2nd post-Dantooine Star Map.
Dantooine. Talk to Yuthura. Buy the Calrissian Belt.
Manaan, to completion. 3rd post-Dantooine Star Map.
Repair HK-47 before leaving Manaan (should have Master Valor by now), in preparation for the reveal.
Make sure Juhani has told you that Revan was the Jedi who rescued her on Taris
Leviathan. Reveal.
Trigger Ziagrom's messenger quest (for the premium store). Make sure all messenger quests except Juhani's (XOR) are done.
Do Juhani's XOR quest. She finally gets off the ship, hooray.
Finish Kashyyyk. Should just be a quick run to the Star Map and back. Last Star Map.
Star Forge System, finish the game.
Drop in at Yavin as desired, probably after each Star Map. Remember to not take anyone off the ship with you at Yavin, to avoid a horrible item duplication bug that can crash the game and prevent further progress.
There will be a bit of bouncing between planets for companion quests, side quests, etc. Work that in as desired.
You can (unconfirmed) keep the Sith Armor on Taris by having someone in the apartment (and therefore not in your party) wear it while you make the exchange with Gadon. The dialog will still happen as normal and the story will progress, but when you won't lose the armor.