KOTOR 1 - Notes from my 2021 playthrough
WARNING: the following contains heavy spoilers about KOTOR I. Do not read it if you haven't played the game yet.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: these are loose notes from my 2021 playthrough. They are very poorly organized, as they were only ever intended for my own personal use.
ANOTHER WARNING: you saw that there were going to be spoilers, right? If you haven't played the game, stop reading now.
What about a broken Revan? A Revan that is clearly not stable or mentally well. This Revan should have been trained longer on the initial ship, but the surprise attack brought her out of the controlled environment where they were rebuilding her mind far too early. The tutorial person is really her handler, who had been trying to rebuild her brain. That's why he has to tell her basic stuff like how to open a chest. They were pretty much on Day 0 when the attack came. So without being "fixed", she's erratic, impulsive, and inconsistent.
She bonds with Bastilla, because Bastilla reminds her of some of the good parts of her previous life. But part of her knows that Bastilla had been her enemy. So she sometimes lashes out. She's attracted to Carth, because his military training and sense of purpose resonate with her previous life. But she's repulsed by his whining because part of her still despises weakness. Similarly, she treats different people differently depending on which part of her is responding. And because she doesn't realize she even has multiple parts, there's no predictability.
Basically, she spends the whole game figuring out who and what she is, responding to people and situations based not on the present conditions or mission, but on which part of her past they bring out. She's the Jedi Revan, and the Sith Revan and the Republic General Revan all at once, and these three competing aspects struggle within her.
She's whatever class uses lots of Force powers. And she uses the wildest ones, wildly. She's an unrestrained force of nature, an untamed beast on vaguely aware of its power.
What does she do when she learns she was Revan? Should be interesting.
This Revan could go really Dark early in the game, not because she's evil but because she's confused and hurting. Much of the Jedi's "training" is about mental discipline to resist the Dark Side, and she has NONE of that. After learning she's Revan - maybe she embraces the Dark Side knowingly, or maybe she rejects it. Whatever she does, she finally does it consciously, as a whole person. Not sure if that happens right after learning she's Revan, or if it takes until the Temple top or even on the Star Forge before she makes up her mind.
Name: Revena
- erratic
- easily angered
- manipulative - can act empathetic to gain an advantage, but happily throws people away when it suits her
- distractible
- always confident she's right, even when she's contradicting the last thing she said
- insightful in an instinctive way (WIS), but not a coherent analytical (INT) one
- intuitively understands the big picture, but gets a lot of the small ones wrong
- seemingly blunders into the right thing (high WIS) but often goes about it poorly (low INT)
- charismatic and inspiring in an unapologetic "forget everything else and follow me" kind of way
- almost multiple personalities. Can switch between acting like Jedi Revan to General Revan to Sith Revan without notice, or even realizing it
- doesn't even seem to understand Light Side vs Dark Side. Alternates between treating it as a game/challenge or just doesn't get it
- mostly unconcerned with personal safety or safety of companions, but has unpredictable moments of great fear/empathy
- ruled by feelings of the moment, but those turn out to work pretty well
- can be petty, greedy, and hateful, but also self-sacrificing and magnanimous.
- thinks having money/power is pretty fun, but without a real long-term agenda. Mostly just for the feeling of it.
- really, really hates losing
Class: Scout / Consular
Scout Levels: 2?
Consular Levels: 18?
I could stop leveling Scout anywhere from 2-8. Stopping earlier gains a few late-game Force Powers, but makes the early game harder because I have to finish Taris under-leveled. (Followup: I only did 2 levels of Scout. The dueling arena was a little tough, but doable)
== Attributes ==
Str:9 (-1)
Dex:14 (+2)
Const:11 (+0)
Int:8 (-1)
Wis:16 (+3)
Cha:16 (+3)
Spend first 4 (level 4/8/12/16) attribute bumps on CHA and the last (level 20) on WIS
Revan is charismatic, nimble, and wise in an instinctive way that she can't explain. She isn't all that bright, though, which sometimes gets her into trouble.
I'll gain 5 points at various levels. The only WIS and CHA boosts in the game are restricted to Light Side, so may want to boost one or both of those. Probably CHA for first 4 bumps and WIS for last one, but decide when I get there.
9 STR and 11 CON become even numbers with Master Valor. Be sure to have that active when those attributes matter.
== Skills ==
Repair: 4
Persuade: 2
I'll dump skill points into Repair until it gets to level 13 (for HK-47), then dump into Persuade until it gets to 13 (should have adjusted 19, which is the sweet spot for passing harder checks). Then dump rest wherever, probably Awareness.
I may only need 12 in repair if I betray Gadon Thek on Taris (and I probably will). So I could switch from Repair to Persuade quicker.
Persuade is a Scout cross-class skill, so putting any points into it before Consular is kind of a waste. But it gives better early-game Persuade success, and this isn't a skill-focused build anyway so I'm not losing much.
This leaves me without any points in several skills, some of which require training to use (Stealth, Security). But my companions can cover most of that for me. There's at least one quest I won't be able to solve in an optimally Light-Side way without Stealth, but that's okay. This version of Revan isn't all that sneaky anyway. Or Light-Side for that matter.
== Feats ==
Scout gets 9 assigned feats and 1 selected feat at level 1, then gets to select a feat at level 2.).
Consular gets assigned feats at levels 1, 6, and 12, plus gets to choose an additional 7 feats at various levels
That's a total of 26 feats (11 as Scout, 15 as Consular), 9 of which are selected and 17 of which are assigned.
Assigned feats:
*- Light Armor Proficiency (Scout 1)
*- Medium Armor Proficiency (Scout 1)
*- Blaster Pistol Proficiency (Scout 1)
*- Blaster Rifle Proficiency (Scout 1)
*- Melee Weapons Proficiency (Scout 1)
*- Flurry (Scout 1)
*- Rapid Shot (Scout 1)
*- Implant Level 1 (Scout 1)
- Lightsaber Proficiency (Consular 1)
- Jedi Defense (Consular 1)
- Force Focus (Consular 1)
- Jedi Sense (Consular 1)
- Improved Force Focus (Consular 6)
- Knight Sense (Consular 6)
- Master Force Focus (Consular 12)
- Master Sense (Consular 12)
Here is a full list of all feats, including granted feats and feats unusable my my main character's class. Additional feat levels and the associated class/level requirement are in parenthesis:
- Two-Weapon Fighting (Improved-4, Master-8): penalty reduction
- Armor Proficiency (Light)
- Armor Proficiency (Medium)
- Armor Proficiency (Heavy)
- Caution (Improved-4, Master-8): demolition/stealth skill bonus
- Critical Strike (Improved-4, Master-8): improved melee crits with declining penalties
- Empathy (Improved-4, Master-8): persuade/awareness/treat injury bonus
- Flurry (Improved-4, Master-8): extra melee attack with declining penalties
- Gear Head (Improved-4, Master-8): repair/security/computer use bonus
- Conditioning (Improved-4, Master-8): saving throw bonuses
- Implant Level I (II-4, III-8): allows equipping implants
- Power Attack (Improved-4, Master-8): adds damage to melee attacks
- Power Blast (Improved-4, Master-8): adds damage to ranged attacks
- Rapid Shot (Improved-4, Master-8): extra ranged attack with declining penalties
- Sniper Shot (Improved-4, Master-8): improved ranged crits with declining penalties
- Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol (Focus, Specialization-Soldier 4): item use with bonuses
- Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle (Focus, Specialization-Soldier 4): item use with bonuses
- Weapon Proficiency: Heavy Weapons (Focus, Specialization-Soldier 4): item use with bonuses
- Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons (Focus, Specialization-Soldier 4): item use with bonuses
- Uncanny Dodge I (Scout 4, II-Scout 7): retain DEX bonus on surprise, grenade save bonus
- Sneak Attack I (Scoundrel 1, goes up to VII at Scoundrel 13): situational damage bonus
- Toughness (Improved-4, Master-8): extra vitality and damage resistance
- Scoundrel's Luck (Scoundrel 1, Improved-Scoundrel 6, Master-Scoundrel 12): defense bonus
- Dueling (Improved-4, Master-8): single weapon bonuses (ranged and melee) to attack and defense
- Droid Upgrade Class 1 (Droid 1, Class 2-Droid 7, Class 3 - Droid 13): allows upgrade use
- Blaster Integration (Utility Droid, so only T3 can get this): allows blaster use
- Combat Logic Upgrade (Droid 1, Tactician-Droid 6, Battle-Droid 12): defense bonus
- Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber (Jedi 1, Focus, Specialization-Guardian): item use, bonus
- Jedi Defense (Jedi 1, Advanced-Jedi 4, Master-Jedi 8): blaster deflection
- Force Immunity: Fear (Sentinel 1)
- Force Immunity: Stun (Sentinel 6)
- Force Immunity: Paralysis (Sentinel 12)
- Jedi Sense (Jedi 1, Knight-Jedi 6, Master-Jedi 12): defense bonus
- Force Sensitive (Jedi 1, Main Character): Force Point bonus
- Force Jump (Guardian 1, Improved-Guardian 6, Master-Guardian 12): jump to attack
- Force Focus (Consular 1, Improved-Consular 6, Master-Consular 12): enemy saving throw penalty
Two Weapon Fighting + Master Speed (a Force Power)+ Master Flurry is a good combo, and as a Scout I get Flurry as a starting feat.
For wielding dual lightsabers, Critical Strike might be slightly better mathematically than Flurry. But Scouts get Flurry for free, so getting to the higher ranks faster and having an extra feat available for something else outweighs that small difference.
However, how often will I be using a lightsaber as a Consular?
These seem like good candidates to consider for my 9 selected feats:
- Flurry (Improved-4, Master-8): extra melee attack with declining penalties
- Implant Level I (II-4, III-8): allows equipping implants
- Toughness (Improved-4, Master-8): extra vitality and damage resistance
- Dueling (Improved-4, Master-8): single weapon bonuses (ranged and melee) to attack and defense
- Weapon Focus: Lightsaber
Dueling seems like a waste until you consider the defense bonus. Then it looks pretty good.
Ditto toughness - a dead character does no damage.
Maxing the Implant gives stat flexibility, especially given I get the first level for free
Weapon Focus: Lightsaber is worth considering
Maxing Flurry is probably my best attack enhancement feat, given i get the first level for free. Not sure if I'll use a lightsaber enough to burn feats on this, though. Rapid Fire might be better if I tend to keep blasters equipped.
What I actually took:
Dueling I
Toughness I
Weapon Focus: Blaster Pistol (none of the II feats were available yet)
Toughness II
Implant II
Implant III (so I could use the combo Mind Affecting + Poison immunity implant from Yavin station)
Dueling II
Dueling III
== Force Powers ==
I'll get to choose 23 Force Powers.
Here are all available Force Powers, by type. Level requirements are character level, not Jedi level:
Dark Powers
- Drain Life (Death Field-18): damage opponent, heal self. Death Field adds AoE
- Fear (Horror-6, Insanity-12): disable non-droid enemies, base is single-target, others add AoE
- Shock (Lightning-9, Storm-18): electrical damage, base is single-target, later adds AoE
- Slow Affliction-6, Plague-12): single-target general debuff
- Wound (Choke-9, Kill-12): single target (non-droid) damage
Light Powers
- Cure (6, Heal-12): AoE vitality restoration
- Force Aura (Shield-6, Armor-12): defense and saving throw bonus
- Force Valor (Knight-9, Master-15): attribute and saving throw bonus
- Stun (Stasis 9, Stasis Field 15): slow/stun, 1st two levels are single-target, 3rd is AoE
- Stun Droid (Disable-6, Destroy-12): stun/damage droids
Universal Powers
- Affect Mind (Dominate-6): allows extra conversation options, only for main character
- Burst of Speed (Knight-9, Master-15): movement speed/defense/attack bonuses
- Energy Resistance (Improved-9): absorbs certain types of damage
- Force Push (Whirlwind-9, Wave-15): push back/stun/damage opponents, AoE
- Force Resistance (Immunity-15): resist Force attacks by enemies
- Force Suppression (Breach-15): cancel active enemy Force powers
- Throw Lightsaber (Advanced-9): damage 1 enemy at distance, Advanced damages 3
Dark/Light just affects the cost in Force Points. Any character can use any power.
Speed, Affect Mind, and Master Valor seem like must-takes (Master Valor is essential for repairing HK-47)
According to someone on Reddit, the following can all kill the "battery" Jedi in the final fight:
- Drain Life/Death Field
- Disable/Destroy Droid
- Throw Lightsaber/Advanced Throw Lightsaber
- Force Breach
- Choke/Kill
- Force Lightning/Storm
For maximum flexibility, have:
- a healing Power
- a boosting Power
- a resistance Power
- a debilitating Power
- a damaging Power
Some good candidates:
- Affect/Dominate Mind (take this early!) (2 powers)
- Force/Knight/Master Valor (take this next!) (3 powers)
- Wound/Choke/Kill for strong single enemies (3 powers)
- Affliction/Plague/Slow for debuffing strong single enemies (3 powers)
- Shock/Lightning/Storm for clearing groups (3 powers)
- Throw Lightsaber for final fight, and cool (1 power, unless I get Advanced then it is 2)
- Drain Life/Death Field for final fight, and groups (2 powers)
- Force Suppression/Breach for debuffing enemy force users (2 powers)
- Cure/Heal (2 powers)
- Burst/Knight/Master Speed (3 powers)
- Energy Resistance (+ Improved) (2 powers)
- Force Resistance/Immunity (2 powers)
That's a total of 27 powers, and I only get 23. So I'll have to give up 4 from that list.
Can figure out which as I go, depending on what seems most useful.
I really only need Drain Life/Death Field OR Throw Lightsaber.
Drain Life/Death Field fits this Revan better, so probably skip Throw Lightsaber. Even though it is fun.
Could also give up:
- Force Resistance/Immunity (even though it trivializes certain opponents)
- Energy Resistance (even though it trivializes certain opponents). Maybe take 1 level but not 2.
- Heal (but still take Cure)
Giving up Throw Lightsaber, Advanced Throw Lightsaber, Heal, Force Resistance/Immunity, and Improved Energy Resistance gets me to 23 powers.
This doesn't give me Fear/Horror/Insanity. But I get all of the other Dark Side powers. BUT HOW CAN A LITERALLY INSANE REVAN NOT TAKE INSANITY???
If I want a more defense-oriented build that it hard to damage, give up some offensive powers and take Improved Energy Resistance and Force Immunity. These make me almost untouchable vs many opponents.
Note: the various Force Resistance items are not anywhere close to as good as the actual ability. They don't add the wearer's level to the Difficulty Class or sum with other Force Resistance abilities. So they don't really do all that much.
Note: one of my party members could take Improved Energy Resistance, as it affects the entire group.
This is a good mix for a successful build that respects my character's personality
- Affect/Dominate Mind (take this early!) (2 powers)
- Force/Knight/Master Valor (take this next!) (3 powers)
- Wound/Choke/Kill for strong single enemies (3 powers)
- Affliction/Plague/Slow for debuffing strong single enemies (3 powers)
- Shock/Lightning/Storm for clearing groups (3 powers)
- Fear/Horror/Insanity (group stun) (3 powers)
- Force Suppression/Breach for debuffing enemy force users (2 powers)
- Cure (1 power, we're skipping Heal)
- Burst/Knight Speed (2 powers, we're skipping Master)
- Drain Life (for final fight)