KOTOR 1 - Notes from my 2022 playthrough

WARNING: the following contains heavy spoilers about KOTOR I and KOTOR II. Do not read it if you haven't played the game yet.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: these are loose notes from my 2022 playthrough. They are very poorly organized, as they were only ever intended for my own personal use.

ANOTHER WARNING: you saw that there were going to be spoilers, right? If you haven't played the games, stop reading now.


KOTOR playthrough idea: unified story between I and II

This will be a unified playthrough between KOTOR I and KOTOR II. I planned the character backstories, builds, and even a fanfic outline before starting the playthroughs. The idea is to make it feel like one unified story in two parts, rather than two separate games in the same universe.

===== KOTOR I =====

This Revan's journey begins with my KOTOR 1 - Connections: Revan's Surrender fanfic. This Revan is on a journey of discovery that started with surrendering to the Force, and will end with her learning and teaching an entirely new concept of how to relate to the Force. But, of course, this Revan doesn't even know she's Revan at the start of the game, much less anything about the new philosophy. All she has is a sense of what is right and wrong, but no real understanding.

This Revan therefore focuses on what she thinks is the right thing to do to the exclusion of all other options. But this Revan thinks Light is Right. Her overall journey is a mystery to her, but that part is via the Will of the Force so she doesn't have to know. She's pretty Jedi-positive until the reveal, even though she disagrees on how the Jedi use the Force. The reveal shakes her up. That's the point where she realizes that pride and adherence to dogma can be just as Dark Side as anything the Sith do, and the point where she starts really opening her mind to larger possibilities. She's probably anti-Jedi for a bit after the Leviathan, but then understands that the Jedi aren't her enemies, they're just misguided. She probably starts developing some sense of her actual calling, but is fuzzy on the details. Nevertheless, she accepts the mission the Force has for her of first finding then sharing a new, better understanding.

Light Side, female, Scoundrel/Consular, gunslinger Jedi. Although Revan doesn't fully understand this yet, using the Force as a weapon is against the new philosophy. And really, it wasn't very Light Side in the first place. So Revan isn't allowed to use any Force Powers that cause direct damage, and must rely on weapons. She is allowed to use a lightsaber, but generally uses blasters (mostly just because I want to play a blaster Jedi).

In many ways, this is the Revan that could have been if the Mandalorian Wars hadn't happened. When the Jedi Council forbade intervention, it forced Revan to choose between the Jedi and what was right (and this isn't subjective - per the Will of the Force, Revan was right and the Council was wrong). This started Revan down a dangerous path, because she didn't realize that separating from the Jedi didn't mean she was no longer a Jedi. It really meant that they weren't. But she didn't get it, she wasn't ready for all that, and it turns out that even Revan can't successfully be her own moral compass forever.

The mind wipe resets Revan, giving her another chance to pick both Light and Right without having to oppose the Jedi Order. The reveal opens old wounds. But this Revan is (ironically, given she just got almost killed and had her identity recreated) in a better place psychologically than the original, and has learned some things along the way. So she manages to bring all the pieces back together, not only healing herself, but hopefully starting something better.

Character name could be "Victory Relevant". This has three meanings: 1) naturally shortens to "Tory", which is a decent name for a female character 2) taking just these captial letters: vIctoRy RELEVANT gives "IRRELEVANT", which represents her surrender to and submission to the Force - she is irrelevant, the Force is what matters. By being irrelevant, she achieves victory. 3) taking just these capital letters: victory REleVANt gives "REVAN" 4) the surface meaning of "Victory Relevant" is very easily misunderstood by the Council to be threatening.
One side-goal of this playthrough is redeeming Yuthura Ban from the Sith Academy AND getting to talk to her afterward on Dantooine. Which means Korriban has to be the 2nd or 3rd Star Map (Dantooine is the 1st). If it is the 4th, then the Leviathan triggers and Dantooine is gone before I can talk to her, and if it is the 5th, Dantooine is already gone before she is redeemed. So even though I can redeem her regardless of planet order, I only get the full experience if Korriban is the 2nd or 3rd. And Carth's Dustil quest doesn't trigger until after the 2nd, so Korriban really shouldn't be my first post-Dantooine Star Map. But I don't want to wait that long to get Jolee. And I usually do Tatooine first, so this is a good chance to mix it up. The plan is:

  1. Kashyyyk, just enough to get Jolee. Lose use of Zaalbar.
  2. Korriban, just long enough to buy pistol. It isn't very far in.
  3. Tatooine, to completion, so that Mission and Bastila will shut up about their quests and Carth will continue his. Get HK-47. 1st Star Map.
  4. Korriban, to completion. Redeem Yuthura. 2nd Star Map.
  5. Dantooine. Talk to Yuthura. Buy the Calrissian Belt.
  6. Manaan, to just before I go to the undersea station.
  7. Finish Kashyyyk, get Zaalbar back so he'll be there for the reveal. 3rd Star Map.
  8. Repair HK-47 before leaving Kashyyyk (I should have Master Valor by now), in preparation for the reveal.
  9. Leviathan.
  10. Finish Manaan. 4th Star Map.
To redeem people in the Sith Academy:


Some useful blaster Jedi links:






Here is a Dark-side-specific ranged build that used a Baragwin Assault Gun, so somewhat different concept, but it was very effective: https://www.reddit.com/r/kotor/comments/1039ww8/uncivilized_sith_minigun_vs_final_boss_ranged/
Here's a Juhani Romance Guide:


Consider these 4 mods:

Improved Grenades (Bigger Booms)

Repeater Attack Restoration (Repeaters were supposed to have 2 combat rounds, but it got cut. This makes them good again)

Weapon Stats Rebalance

Sneak Attack Restoration (It states this only affects Mission and Scoundrels but idk if that's true)



Elk's Revan Build - 2022 Edition


I would describe this build as "just enough". It has just enough Attributes, Skills, Feats, and Force Powers to achieve its goals, win the final fight, and unlock interesting things in the story (HK-47, for example). But no more. There isn't room for a lot of fluff or "just because I felt like it" extras. What it does offer is a very different playthrough experience without sacrificing anything that matters. It will work best if Mission is in the party pretty much the entire time, because the same things that optimize Sneak Attack for the player will also optimize Sneak Attack for her. With four blasters throwing out Sneak Attacks all over the place, enemies shouldn't last long.

It is a mathematically suboptimal build - a pure Consular caster or a pure melee Guardian is objectively a stronger min/max build. Blasters in KOTOR 1 (unmodded) aren't great (they're better in KOTOR II). But this build is just for fun.

Name: Victlory Relevant

Class: Scoundrel / Consular

Scoundrel stats:

Attack: [Level*3/4] (this means it increases at levels 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8)

Defense: 2 + (2*[Lvl/6] ) (this means it increases at level 6)

Skill Points (level 1): (4+INT) * 4 (so 16 for me)

Skill Points (level up): 4 + [INT/2] (so 4 for me)

Class Skills: Demolitions, Stealth, Awareness, Persuade, Security

Sneak Attack granted at levels: 1, 3, 5, 7

Scoundrel's Luck granted at levels: 1, 6 (defense bonus)

Selected Feats at levels: 1, 2, 5, 8

Consular Status:

Attack: [Level*3/4] (increases at levels 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14)

Defense: 2 + (2*[Lvl/6] ) (increases at levels 6 and 12)

Skill Points (level 1): (1+INT) * 4 (so 4 for me)

Skill Points (level up): 1 + [INT/2] (so 1 for me)

Class Skills: Computer Use, Demolitions, Awareness, Persuade, Treat Injury

Selected Feats at levels: 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18

2 Force powers selected at levels: 2, 5, 9, 13, 17 (1 Force power at all other levels)

Scoundrel Levels: 7

Consular Levels: 13

This gets me quite a bit of Sneak Attack while not sacrificing any Force Powers that I really care about. The extra Skill Points for the Scoundrel levels give me sufficient Persuade/Repair to access the whole story without bumping up my INT. I can therefore put more in DEXWIS/CHA, making my attacks and stuns more reliable. Seems like a good trade.

If I used an XP exploit to get 9 Scoundrel levels on Taris, I would get an additional rank of Sneak Attack and some extra skill points. But I would lose Master Jedi Sense (costs me 2 Defense), Master Force Focus (costs me 2 Force Power DC), and 3 Force Powers. Other stuff (Attack Bonus, feats) selected change timing, but not final value. Probably stronger in the mid game, but weaker in the end game and final fight. Doubt I will do that.

== Attributes ==

Str:8 (-1)

Dex:15 (+2)

Const:12 (+1)

Int:10 (+0)

Wis:15 (+2)

Cha:15 (+2)

This is more balanced than most of my builds, because I'm trying to be good at a lot of different things. The tradeoff is that I'm not great at anything.

Odd number become even numbers with Master Valor (and thereby gain an extra +1). Be sure to have that active when those attributes matter. Of course, gear bonuses can change this effect.

The Difficulty Class of the Stun/Stasis/Stasis Field line of Force Powers is 5 + attacker level + attacker Wisdom and Charisma modifiers. So bumping either WIS or CHA will help make stuns land.

Probably spend all 5 attribute bumps on WIS. And also focus gear bonuses on WIS first, then DEX next.

I can justify the low STR story-wise as Revan's body never fully recovered from her injuries after Malak's attack, but her higher-than-average CON helped her survive, and her high DEX is justifiable by saying her deep connection to the Force still gives her the appearance of unnaturally fast reflexes. This is more optimal in-game, as CON will help her through solo fights. And if STR matters for this build, then does then I'm doing something wrong.

== Skills ==

I'll start off with a lot of skill points as Scoundrel, then really slow down as Consular. So make sure I spend the Scoundrel ones wisely, as it'll be hard to catch up on anything later.

Level 1:

Persuade: 4

Demolitions: 4

Awareness: 4

Security: 2

Stealth: 2

Repair is adjusted by Intelligence and Persuade is adjusted by Charisma. Those are the only two skills I really care about specific values on. The rest I can take situationally.

I'll need to put 12 points into Repair to fully unlock HK-47 (who I'm really not using much, but it is still fun). This assumes I'm wearing Calrissian's Utility Belt (Repair +3) from the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine, and that Mastor Valor is in effect (Int +5). I won't have the Memory Package implant (Int +1) from Gadon Thek in the Hidden Bek Base on Taris, because that requires betraying and killing him, and this is a lightside run.

On every Scoundrel level up, I'll put 1 point into Persuade, spend 1 on whatever seems useful, and bank the rest. That'll give me 12 saved points when I switch to Consular. Combined with my 4 Consular "level 1" skill points, I'll have 16 skill points to spend. Immediately dump 11 into Repair, spend 1 on keeping Persuade maxed, spend 1 each on Computer Use and Treat Injury (so that I'll have at least one point in everything) and save 2.

From there, I only get 1 point per level up. Bump up Persuade and Repair at my next level (character level 9). This gets both Repair and Persuade to 12 and leaves me with 1 banked point. I can stop there with Repair. Put my 1 level-up point into Persuade at each of my next 7 level ups. This gets me to Persuade 19 at character level 16 (because I get +2 from CHA). And I'll still have the 1 banked point to use on whatever in the meantime, if 1 point is somehow useful somewhere.

Finally, put remaining points at level ups wherever they seem useful to finish off the build.

ALTERNATIVE: bank more "level up" points than described above in case I get to a skill check I really care about. Combined with saving character level-ups (for emergency healing), I could always dump them into a specific skill on-the-fly. Only Persuade and Repair really need to be micromanaged anyway. Not sure this is worth it, though. Skill checks in KOTOR 1 are really more for flavor than necessity, and there's always another way to do things.

== Feats ==


Sneak Attack granted at levels: 1, 3, 5, 7

Scoundrel's Luck granted at levels: 1, 6 (defense bonus)

Selected Feats at levels: 1, 2, 5, 8


Selected Feats at levels: 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18

Assigned feats:

- Light Armor Proficiency (Scoundrel 1)

- Blaster Pistol Proficiency (Scoundrel 1)

- Blaster Rifle Proficiency (Scoundrel 1)

- Melee Weapons Proficiency (Scoundrel 1)

- Critical Strike (Scoundrel 1)

- Sniper Shot (Scoundrel 1)

- Sneak Attack I (Scoundrel 1)

- Scoundrel's Luck I (Scoundrel 1)

- Sneak Attack II (Scoundrel 3)

- Sneak Attack III (Scoundrel 5)

- Scoundrel's Luck II (Scoundrel 6)

- Sneak Attack IV (Scoundrel 7)

- Lightsaber Proficiency (Consular 1)

- Jedi Defense (Consular 1)

- Force Focus (Consular 1)

- Jedi Sense (Consular 1)

- Improved Force Focus (Consular 6)

- Knight Sense (Consular 6)

- Master Force Focus (Consular 12)

- Master Sense (Consular 12)

I'll get to select 3 feats as a Scoundrel and 5 feats as a Consular, for a total of 8 selected feats. That's not a lot - this build has pretty much the minimum number of selected feats - so use them carefully.

These seem like good candidates to consider for my 8 selected feats:

- Sniper Shot (Improved-4, Master-8): improved crit range with stun

- Rapid Shot (Improved-4, Master-8): extra attack with declining penalties

- Implant Level I (II-4, III-8): allows equipping implants

- Toughness (Improved-4, Master-8): extra vitality and damage resistance

- Dueling (Improved-4, Master-8): single weapon bonuses (ranged and melee) to attack and defense

- Two-Weapon Fighting (Improved-4, Master-8): penalty reduction

- Weapon Focus: Blaster Pistol

Dueling seems like a waste until you consider the defense bonus. Two-Weapon Fighting is probably better for this build, though.

Ditto toughness - a dead character does no damage, but if I'm getting targeted a lot, something is wrong

Maxing the Implant gives stat flexibility

Sniper Shot sounds great, except that the crit multiplier doesn't multiply the Sneak Attack damage, AND the stun not only doesn't last long, but also only takes affect *after* the current attack. So it isn't as powerful for either doing damage OR triggering Sneak Attack as you'd hope. However, if both Mission and I are using Sniper Shot, we should be able to trigger some Sneak Attacks for each other. But that's an unreliable effect, whereas Rapid Shot would be dependable. Not sure what is best.

Some top gear options for this build, might affect which feats I choose to take:
I will probably go with: This means I get Weapon Focus: Blaster Pistol without spending a feat on it, and can therefore take Implant III. However, I will not get to use Circlet_of_Saresh to boost Wisdom. I can still swap the Targetting Optics and the Circlet as needed to buff either blaster or caster, but I will not be able to do both at the same time. And as this is a blaster-based build, I probably will not use the Circlet much. That does sacrifice some Force Power DC, so enemies will have an easier time resisting my Stasis Field, but with four blasters with Stun chance, plus all the Sniper Shot stun chances, maybe that won't matter much.
What I think I'll probably take:
This meets all character level requirements (otherwise Implant I would be later) and prioritizes important stuff.

There is room to fiddle a bit with ordering if, for example, I decide I would prefer to get Sniper Shot more quickly by deferring other things. But more attacks means more successful Sneak Attacks, so without running the math, I am assuming I would prefer to max Two Weapon first. Plus it looks cooler. I am deferring Implant III all the way to the end, because the good implants are expensive and not available immediately anyway. I will just make due with inferior mix-and-match gear until then.

ALTERNATIVE: could take Weapon Focus: Blaster Pistol at level 1, bump everything back a space, and skip Implant III. Would be stonger in early game, but probably weaker later because there are some good implants. If I want to defer my choice, I could do Two-Weapon at level 1 and Implant I at level 2. That is about all that would be available, due to prereqs.

Even if Rapid Shot turned out to be mathematically superior, Sniper Shot sounds fun, this is a sub-optimal build anyway, and I get the first feat for free just by being a Scoundrel. I have to be sure to use Sniper Shot on Mission too, and also keep her in the party as much as possible.

== Force Powers ==

2 Force powers selected at Consular levels: 1, 5, 9, 13 (1 Force power at all other levels). That's a total of 17 Force Powers.


- Stun (Stasis 9, Stasis Field 15): long slow/stun, 1st two levels are single-target, 3rd is AoE

- Force Push (Whirlwind-9, Wave-15): push back/damage opponents/short stun, 3rd is AoE, 2nd is AoE-ish

- Force Valor (Knight-9, Master-15): attribute and saving throw bonus

- Burst of Speed (Knight-9, Master-15): movement speed/defense/attack bonuses

- Cure (6, Heal-12): AoE vitality restoration

- Stun Droid (Disable-6, Destroy-12): stun/damage droids

- Slow Affliction-6, Plague-12): single-target general debuff. Dark side power.

- Force Suppression (Breach-15): cancel active enemy Force powers

- Force Aura (Shield-6, Armor-12): defense and saving throw bonus

- Throw Lightsaber (Advanced-9): damage 1 enemy at distance, Advanced damages 3

Plague is very useful against Malak, but probably not needed for anyone else. So maybe skip that and just kite Malak. Ditto for Force Suppression.

If I'm just taking Destroy Droid for the final fight, Throw Lightsaber does it with just 1 power. Or Force Breach, which I'm already taking.

Force Whirlwind is probably better than Force Wave for this build. So maybe stop that power line at Force Wave and don't take the 3rd power in that line. Or don't take any of them - Stasis Field is probably sufficient, and fits the build better.

Note: I won't have an AOE stun for awhile

If I want a more defense-oriented build that it hard to damage, give up some offensive powers and take Improved Energy Resistance and Force Immunity. These make me almost untouchable vs many opponents.

Note: the various Force Resistance items are not anywhere close to as good as the actual ability. They don't add the wearer's level to the Difficulty Class or sum with other Force Resistance abilities. So they don't really do all that much.

Note: one of my party members could take Improved Energy Resistance, as it affects the entire group.

This is a good mix for this build and character, and should make the final fight manageable. The order can be tweaked a bit if needed, but some things have level requirements and this mostly gets the good stuff as quickly as possible:

Note that the above has absolutely no damage-dealing Force powers. This is in keeping with the theme of the build, and forces me to rely on my blasters for doing damage. I should probably have Juhani take the Destory Droid line, in case I want it for the Star Forge. I can use Force Breach on the batteries for the Malak fight.

== Weapons ==

Best blasters in the game (according to somewhere-or-other I found):

#1 Sith Assassin Pistol (the one from Saul) (drops on Leviathan from Saul Karath)
1d4+5, 1d10 Ion, crit 19-20-x2, 50% Stun, Attack +5, not upgradeable
Note: this is not actually labeled as Saul's Pistol in-game. It is just "Sith Assassin Pistol", but has better stats than the regular Sith Assassin Pistol. I guess it is good to be the boss.

#2: Cassus Fetts Heavy Pistol (buy on Korriban for 10k credits from B'ree)
1d8+3, crit 20-20-x2, 25% Stun, Attack +3, fully upgradable
Upgraded stats: 1d8+2d4+3, crit 19-20-x2, 25% Stun, Attack +5

#3: Mandalorian Heavy Pistols (buy on Tatooine or Korriban, or drop from Calo Nord)
1d8+3, +2 Physical, crit 20-20-x2, Attack +3, not upgradable

#4: Bendaks Blaster (get on Taris, have to win all the duels)
1d6+1, crit 20-20-x2, Attack +1, fully upgradable
Upgraded stats: 1d6+4, crit 20-20-x2, Attack +3

#5: Carths Blaster (steal it from him right away)
1d6+1, crit 20-20-x2, fully upgradable
Upgraded stats: 1d6+3, crit 20-20-x2, Attack +2

Some other notable blasters:

Zabrak Blaster Pistol (Korriban, Tomb of Naga Sadow, Skeletal Remains)
1d6+3, crit 20-20-x2, 25% Stun chance, Attack +3, not upgradable

GenoHaradan Blaster (Manaan, reward from Hulas for first quest (DS points), or Tatooine, drops from Genoharadan Hunger)
1d6+1, crit 20-20-x2, Attack +5, not upgradable

Arkanian Pistol (Manaan, East Central, Tyvark's Shop 1000 credits)
1d6+2, crit 20-20-x2, Attack +2, not upgradable

Arkanian Heavy Pistol (Taris, Undercity, Igear's Bazaar, 750 credits, or Manaan, East Central, Tyvark's Shop 1000 credits)
1d8+1, crit 20-20-x2, Attack +1, not upgradeable

Zabrak Tystel Mark III (Kashyyyk, Upper Shadowlands, Corpse or Star Forge System, Rakatan Settlement, Wicker Bin) 1d8+2, +2 Physical damage, crit 20-20-x2, Attack +2, not upgradable

Sith Assassin Pistol (Tatooine, Anchorhead, Dark Jedi, Korriban, Sith Academy, Footlocker)
1d4+2, 1d10 Ion, crit 19-20-x2, 25% Stun, Attack +2, not upgradeable

There are also a variety of:
"Hold out" blasters, which do less damage, but all have 25% Stun.
Disruptor pistols, which do less damage, but do Physical damage which bypasses certain resistances
Ion blasters, which do extra damage vs Droids
Sonic pistols, which do less damage, but do Sonic damage which bypasses certain resistances and reduces DEX

Given that stuns are absolutely essential to this build (to trigger Sneak Attack), Mission and I need to be wielding four blasters with a chance to stun. This will not be immediatly possible, of course, but we should work toward it. We will sacrifice some dependable base damage for those sweet, sweet Sneak Attacks.

This means at the end of the game, we should use:



As exepcted, this build started off adequate but unimpressive. I burned a lot of grenades on Taris, particularly in the dueling ring. Dantooine was similar - when a stun would land on an enemy, they would die almost immediately. But stuns were not reliable enough to count on.

Around the time I got my first Star Map, at Character Level 12 (Scoundrel 7/Consular 5) things started getting smoother. I bought some of the good gear early. Between that and accumulating Feats and Force Powers, stuns started happening more frequently and enemies started falling faster.

I did the Naga Sadow tomb at character level 13 with no issues. For the terentatek, I set a bunch of frag mines and a few flash ones. The frag mines almost killed the first terentatek, while the flash mines stunned it. I quickly finishsed it off with blasters. The second was still stunned, and I almost finished it off before it came to. A quick Stasis stunned it again, and I killed it easily. I never took a hit. Ditto Uthar and Yuthura. I did a Master Valor, a Knight Speed, then a Statis on Uthar. He hit me with one lightning during that, but then died quickly when I started shooting. Then I hit Yuthura with a Statis and blasted her. She never touched me. The fight with the students in the Academy was actually tougher than either of those, because I was dropped into melee range of a bunch of enemies, and I didn't have my AoE stun yet. I made it through, though.

Getting Statis Field really made things go more smoothly. Few fights were very hard before that - I killed Calo Nord and Darth Bandon on the first try - but I was pausing a lot and micromanaging combat. After getting Statis Field, I could AoE stun an entire roomful of enemies then Mission and I would quickly take them out with blaster Sneak Attacks, often before any of them got off an attack at us. Bumping my Wisdom with both attribute increases and gear was a good choice. The increased DC meant that enemies rarely saved.

At level 18, I solo'd the Trandoshians on Yavin Station. It was a reasonably hard fight. I burned a lot of stims and medpacks, and paused a lot to micromanage my actions. But it was manageable.

I took Mission pretty much everywhere. As a third companion, I sometimes took a melee character and sometimes a ranged, mostly just to mix things up. Both worked pretty well, and having six blasters going at once was fun. It was more effective to use a melee companion until I leveled into the late teens. On the Unknown World, I took Mission and Carth as a blaster-only group. I led with Statis Field and followed up with blasters. We didn't have much trouble with any opponents.

Malak also went down pretty easily. I could have kited him to death, but it would have taken awhile. Instead, I set bunch of mines on the initial approach, before triggering the first conversation. Then I lured him into those, which took all his health and triggered the second conversation. I then used Master Speed and Force Breach to take out all the batteries, and cheesed him almost to death with more mines - run a little, lay a mine, run some more, refresh Master Speed now and then, pop a Life Support pack here and there if I let him get too close - you know the drill. When he was almost dead, I stood my ground and dropped him with a few final blaster shots. I was never in any real danger.

Overall, I found this build to be lots of fun and a nice change. I'm really glad I did it. It did feel less "Jedi-ish", than my other playthroughs, but it was a nice change, and I had fun writing the related fanfic.

