KOTOR 1 - Betrayals: Apprentices
STRONG WARNING: The following contains heavy spoilers about KOTOR 1 and KOTOR 2. If you have not played the games, DO NOT READ THIS. Go play them first then come back. I promise I'll wait.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: this was written in preparation for a 2024 playthrough of KOTOR I and KOTOR II. For this playthrough, I carried the same head canon story all the way through from before the beginning of KOTOR I to a conclusion after KOTOR II. Here are the associated main character builds for
KOTOR 1 and
KOTOR 2. I try to stick to the spirit of the builds and playthrough in the fanfics, but I do not necessarily follow them exactly.
DISCLAIMER: this fanfic deviates wildly from canon. If this sort of speculative writing bothers you, then you might want to stop now and not waste your time. If, on the other hand, you're interested in a just-for-fun story that doesn't fit anywhere into the official Star Wars timeline, then read on!
CONTEXT: It is shortly after the events of KOTOR 2.
Surik stood in the cockpit of the Ebon Hawk and watched as Darth Revan's flagship came into view. The flagship was massive, the size of a small city. Surik had no idea how Revan had constructed it or where he had obtained it, but little about Revan's abilities surprised Surik anymore. And during Surik's decade-long exile in Wild Space, he had, at Revan's orders, organized what was perhaps the largest criminal enterprise in galactic history, easily rivaling the Exchange in the Core. Before leaving Wild Space, Surik had turned over leadership of the organization to its true owner, Revan. So Revan had no shortage of resources.
Revan had sent Surik back to the Core with several priorities, and Surik had accomplished them all. Among these was killing the remaining Jedi Masters, all of whom had participated in Surik's exile from the Jedi Order after the Mandalorian Wars. Surik had taken great delight in completing that task. More important, though, had been recruiting Bao-Dur, the Iridonian genius who had created the Mass Shadow Generator superweapon, to Revan's cause. Surik had not only done so, but had discovered that Bao-Dur was Force Sensitive and had trained the Iridonian in the ways of the Dark Side before sending him ahead to Revan. Of equal importance had been destroying Darth Nihilus, a being twisted by the destruction of Malachor V into a Void in the Force, sustaining his own life by absorbing the lives of others, with the potential to destroy all life in the galaxy. Surik had also been affected by Malachor V, but instead of consuming the Force to survive, Surik had cut himsef off from it, becoming a Wound in the Force. This made Surik perhaps the one living thing that could withstand Nihilus' hunger. During their battle, Visas Marr, Nihilus' herald with whom Nihilus shared a Force Bond, had killed herself to weaken Nihilus, allowing Surik to destroy the Sith abomination. Surik had then killed the remaining two members of the Sith Triumverate, Darth Sion and Darth Trayus, also known as Kreia.
"That flagship is unbelievable," said Atton Rand, seated just in front of Surik in the Hawk's pilot's chair.
"Indeed it is," Surik said. The time to complete the last part of his mission had arrived. In their final confrontation with Kreia on Malachor V, Canderous Ordo, better known recently by the title of Mandalore, Brianna, Handmaiden of Atris, and the Wookiee bounty hunter Hanharr had been captured by Kreia's forces. Surik had released poison gas into their cells, killing them. The artifical intelligence GO-TO had been destroyed by HK-47, Revan's assassin droid. HK-47 himself and the astromech droid T3-M4 sat in the cargo hold, deactivated. Revan's orders had been to kill all beings that followed Surik, leaving no loose ends. Surik wasn't sure if that extended to droids, so he would deliver them to Revan powered down, for Revan to do with as he chose. Surik's compliance with Revan's orders was almost complete. Only one thing remained.
"I appreciate your service to me, Atton" Surik said. "When I found you imprisoned on Peragus, I had no idea what capabilities you possessed, or how critical you would be to my mission." Quietly, without making any sudden movements, he drew his lightsaber and placed the hilt against the back of Atton's chair.
"Thanks," Atton said. "Are you and I done, though? I was wondering if maybe Revan would keep us teamed up to-"
Atton's sentence ended in a pained gasp as Surik activated his lightsaber and the glowing blade pierced Atton's heart. Surik deactivated his lightsaber and caught Atton's body by the shoulder to prevent it from falling against the Hawk's control panel.
"Now it is done, Master," Surik said aloud.
"Incoming vessel, identify yourself," said a voice over the comm.
"Inform Darth Revan that Surik has returned," Surik said, sliding into the copilot's seat and plotting a docking course.
"I cannot allow you dock without-" The man's voice was cut off as Surik reached out in the Force and crushed his throat. A thud came over the still-open comm channel, then a long pause. Finally, a different voice spoke.
"Unidentified vessel, you are cleared for landing on docking bay three. I'm transmitting coordinates, and informing Lord Revan of your impending arrival."
Surik exited the Ebon Hawk and found the docking bay empty. He had only taken a few steps toward the docking bay door when it hissed back, revealing two figures, one male and one female. The male stepped forward and Surik could feel the strength exuding from him, the clever malevolence. Waves of Dark Side power rolled over Surik, and he reveled in it, drinking in its quiet fury, its controlled potential, now restrained but ever threatening to burst open in an explosion of might.
Darth Revan walked into the docking bay, Bastila Shan following a step behind.
Surik dropped to one knee and bowed his head. "I have done your bidding, Master."
"You have done well, my apprentice."
At this last word, Surik snuck a smug glance at Bastila, who made no effort to conceal her jealousy or disdain. But Revan was continuing.
"Bao-Dur has informed me of the progress you made before his departure. I trust the other matters were completed as well?"
"The Sith Triumverate is dead, as are all who served me. Your droids are deactivated and wait in your ship's cargo hold, for you to use or destroy as you wish."
"Very good," Revan said. "Bao-Dur also informed me that you had encountered HK-47, a welcome surprise. I will inspect his memory logs, make any necessary adjustments to his programming, and return him to the Core to fulfill his mission. Stand and walk with me." Revan turned back to the docking bay door, flanked by Surik and Bastila.
"With respect, Master, what is HK-47's mission? Bao-Dur suspected you had programmed him with a purpose that even he was not aware of."
"Indeed, the Iridonian is perceptive. By serving me without knowing my full purpose, you have shown great loyalty. It is time for you to know my complete plans, and the enemy we face. Did Kreia speak to you of the True Sith?
"She did," Surik said, "as did Canderous Ordo. They thought you had gone to face the True Sith, or at least to scout them. I did not correct their mistake."
"Kreia saw much," Revan said, "but her judgement was always clouded by her prejudices and bitterness."
"She told me that I could be the death of the Force," Surik said, "that my condition, combined with the echo of Malachor V, could kill all Force-sensitive beings in the galaxy. I confess that I was concerned when I killed her, that the Force Bond I shared with her might kill me as well, amplifying this echo and causing your death. But I proceeded according to your orders. Was she right? Was there a risk?"
"The ways of the Force are mysterious, even to me," Revan said. "Kreia was insightful, but also a skilled liar. You did well to resist her mechanations and trust me. I believe there was a never a risk in her death, either to you or to the galaxy at large. There may, however, have been a risk in your death, had she killed you at the heart of Malachor V."
"Did you know this when you sent me, Master?"
"I did."
"And yet you sent me anyway? I am grateful that you had enough confidence in me to take that chance."
"I took no chance," Revan said. "You have never betrayed me, or fallen short in any task I have asked of you, my apprentice."
Bastila's rage was almost palpable now. Surik glaced sideways and saw her fists clenching and unclenching, her hand almost involuntarily reaching towards her lightsaber as she fought to control her anger. Good, Surik thought. Her fury would make her powerful, but it might also make her careless.
"You spoke of your plans, Master. What of the True Sith? What happens now?"
"When Malak and I first found the True Sith," Revan said, "I encountered their Emperor. Individually, he is more powerful than even me. I first thought to defeat him through a broad military campaign, weakening the Republic to tempt him to invade, then flanking him with forces from the Star Forge, the Revanchist mercenaries from the criminal organization you created for me in Wild Space, and a droid army delivered by HK-47 from the droid factory on Telos."
"Ahh, so that was HK-47's mission," Surik said.
"Yes. A droid army would be undetectable to the Sith Emperor. He might sense a threat, but because droids are not living things, he would not be able to identify it. There is, however, an even better way. The Mass Shadow Generator was created for use by the Republic forces under your command. I suspected the Jedi would have obtained the blueprints for its construction from Republic computers and stored them in the archives at their Enclave on Dantooine. When I was there before the Enclave's destruction, while the Jedi Council was preoccupied with me, I had T3-M4 find and steal these plans."
"This is why you needed Bao-Dur?" Surik said, the pieces finally clicking together for him. "We are taking the fight to this Emperor?"
"Your strategic skills are as sharp as ever," Revan said. "Bao-Dur is already working on reconstructing the Mass Shadow Generator. We will send a contingent of HK-47's droids to deploy it against the True Sith homeworld of Dromund Kaas."
Surik stepped to the side as two robed figures came up the hallway from the other direction. He was too focused on Revan's words to be sure, but had that been Edar Kran from The Blind Alley cantina in Desprar? Accompanied by a white-furred Rakatan female and a tall, cone-headed creature with lateral eyestalks? But Revan was still speaking.
"Their approach will not be detected, and this Emperor will be dead before he knows he is under attack, along with most of his Dark Council. Their government will be throw into chaos as different factions each accuse the others of responsibility, all the while positioning themselves to take over the throne. With our enemy in disarray, we will launch our invasion."
"Very good, Master. I look forward to our victory."
"For now, though, we have a situation to remedy."
"And what situation is that?" Bastila said. She was apparently already aware of everything else Revan had revealed to Surik, but this was new.
"I made a mistake during the Mandalorian Wars," Revan said. "I should have killed Malak at the first sign of disobedience and given his place to Surik."
"Master?" Bastila said with concern.
"Do not misunderstand me, my apprentice," Revan said to her. She quickly shot a satisfied glance at Surik, then refocused on Revan. "I do not doubt your loyalty to me, which you have proven many times since the temple top on Lehon. However, after much consideration, I realize what my true mistake with Malak and Surik was."
"And what was that, Master?" Surik said.
"By dividing my attention, I neither gave you the attention you deserved, nor recognized Malak's failings. I realize now that a Master should have but one apprentice."
Revan stopped in front of a thick viewport that looked onto a large, empty room. Revan entered a code on the nearby sturdy blast door, and it slid open.
"You are both faithful and worthy. Neither of you would be willing to take a role subservient to the other. Yet going forward, only one of you can serve me. I delayed this moment by sending Surik to the Core, but I can postpone it no longer. Whomever exits this room alive will be my true apprentice." With a gesture, Revan swept both Surik and Bastila off their feet and launched them through the door into the room. Again entering the code, Revan closed the door behind them and stepped to the viewport to watch.
Bastila recovered first, rolling with her momentum and landing lightly on her feet. She was in the air almost immediately, double-bladed red lightsaber igniting as she leaped. Surik hit the floor awkwardly and fell sprawling. He reached for the lightsaber on his right hip, saw that he would not be able to block Bastila's attack in time, and instead struck out at her with the Force, arresting her leap in mid-flight and sending her hurtling against the far wall. Bastila cushioned the impact with the Force, but still hit the wall hard enough to be momentarily dazed. Surik stood to his feet, drawing both his lightsabers, red blades glowing ominously as he advanced. Recovering herself, Bastila stepped forward to meet him.
"You are the past," Bastila hissed, "a relic, an errand boy. Surrender now and I will make your death painless."
"I was commanding armies for my Master when you were still a child," Surik retorted. "I have destroyed planets for him, killed Trayus, Nihilus, Sion, and their false Sith. I've even killed your own Jedi Masters, little girl. You groveled at their feet, but I ended their lives."
Surik rushed at Bastila, the Force fueling his speed. She ducked under his initial strike, delivering a backhand blow that he barely blocked with his offhand lightsaber. Spinning, he delivered a powerful swing with his other lightsaber, almost knocking Bastila to her knees. She stumbled as she stepped back, Surik raining blow after blow on her. But his cadence was predictible, and Bastila counterattacked, singeing his shoulder as one of her twin blades slipped inside his defenses. Surik stepped back, gathering himself for his next attack.
"Too slow, old man," Bastila said. "We can do this painfully, if you prefer. I'll enjoy that more anyway."
"Revan has taught you well," Surik said. "But you are no Sith. I feel the teachings of the Jedi still echoing in your mind. Peace. Serenity. Harmony. Weakness. Your old Masters were infected with it, and it was their downfall. It will be yours as well. Let me show you what a Sith can do!"
Surik again launched himself at Bastila, this time more furiously, red blades flashing and pounding careful to vary the timing and direction of his attacks. Bastila, finding no opportunity for counterattack this time, fell back, and then fell back further, circling the room. Once, twice, then a third time one of Surik's lightsabers overcame her defenses, burning her side, arm, and leg. Finally, Bastila flipped backwards, landing on the opposite side of the room, putting distance between them.
"Your age is showing," she said. "You're growing tired. Your arms are heavy."
Surik shook his head. "If you think to dominate my mind, you'll have to do better than that. Tired? I think not!"
Surik extended his hand and a crackling burst of energy screamed across the room. Bastila blocked it with her lightsaber, channeling away the energy, but not before it burned her face and left her hair smoking.
"I endured Malak's tortures for a week," she laughed. "You think your feeble skills frighten me?"
"Captured and tortured? That's your argument for taking my place as my Master's apprentice?"
"I serve him as you never could!" Bastila screamed.
"If you mean what you do with him in the secret parts of the night, you may be right," Surik said. "That seems to be your only qualification."
Bastila's reply was a scream of indignant rage. Fueled by her fury, she launched herself at Surik with a speed beyond Surik's ability to see. Relying on the Force to guide his lightsabers, it was now his turn to step backwards, overwhelmed. His insult had been calculated, designed to make Bastila reckless, but he now feared he had gone too far. Again and again, pain seared through him as her blades outpaced his parries, and he was hard pressed to retain all his limbs. Panic threatened to set in, but he wrestled it away, replacing it with a firm determination. It would not end like this! With a roar, Surik sent a wave of Force power exploding from him. Bastila countered, but her balance was disrupted, and Surik took full advantage. With a powerful upward blow from both lightsabers, he scooped Bastila's blade out of her hands, throwing it behind him. The extinguished hilt rattled across the floor, stopping against the wall.
Surik feinted as if to strike with his lightsabers, and Bastila prepared herself to dodge. He surprised her by dropping his weapons and grasping her in a bear hug, pulling her against his chest, hands clenched together between her shoulder blades. Using the Force to enhance his strength, he squeezed and crushed, driving the air from Bastila's lungs. Surik unrelentingly continued to squeeze, feeling Bastilas vertebrae surrender with a crack, her legs now hanging limply. He looked into her bulging eyes, her face turning purple as she futilely struggled for breath. This Jedi pretender was finished, Surik thought. He would watch her die, throw her lifeless body to the floor, and reclaim his place at his Master's side. Even now, her body slumped. As Surik stared into her dying eyes, he saw the Sith yellow fade and her natural blue return as even the Dark Side deserted her. Her limbs began to twitch, her right hand flailing uselessly by Surik's side. It was almost over.
Surik's vicious strike had taken Bastila by surprise. She had watched her lightsaber fly over his shoulder, and she had prepared for the imminent strike. She was faster than he, and even unarmed still had a fighting chance. But she hadn't anticipated him bodily grabbing her in a Force-augmented crush. She couldn't breathe. Her sight was growing dim, her body numb. She felt something give way in her back and she lost all feeling in her legs. She was defeated. In these last seconds, she recalled her earlier years, before she had become Revan's apprentice, before she had faced him on his flagship, become joined with him by their Force Bond. That's where it had all gone astray, her dying brain realized. She had been corrupted by a Force Bond with the greatest villain of the age, and had never been the same afterward. She had fallen long before she knew it. But there had been a time before that, a time when she served the Jedi with a pure heart. She remembered her early years in the Order, just one youngling among many, reciting the Jedi Code.
There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
Bastila relaxed, releasing her hatred, releasing her anger. There would be no public redemption for her. In her final moment of time, her body broken, it was far too late to become a Jedi again. But at least, in her heart, she would not die a Sith. Bastila's head fell to the side, her neck suddenly unable to support it. And from that perspective, her fading vision saw her lightsaber lying on the floor.
Could she? Was it possible? With a supreme act of will, Bastila extended her right hand, reaching around Surik's side. Her lightsaber flew across the room, springing like a living thing into her hand. With the last act of her life, she pressed the hilt into the center of Surik's back. The blade blazed to life, piercing Surik's heart. And hers.
There is no death, there is the Force.
In the hallway outside, Revan screamed. The viewport exploded, sending shards of six-inch-thick transparisteel across the room, covering the bodies of his apprentices. He smashed the wall with his fists, leaving deep indentations in the durasteel. Finally, exhausted, he regained control of himself. Revan took a deep breath, turned, and began walking back up the hall. This was a loss, there was no doubt of that. But there was still a war to be won, and he was still in need of an apprentice. Perhaps Juhani was ready.
There are various outcomes for the different companions in KOTOR 2. I picked one that I liked for this fanfic. Your playthrough may have ended differently.
Virtually everything about this chapter, other than references to the events of the games, is of my own creation and has nothing to do with any sort of canon. But it was a lot of fun to write!