KOTOR 2 - Atton Builds

This file details some considerations to make for an Atton build, and may eventually contain a few Atton builds from different playthroughs. We'll see how far I take it.


The main consideration for when to turn Atton into a Jedi is generally how much Sneak Attack to take as a Scoundrel. Taking more is great if it will be used, but if Sneak Attack isn't going to be important for that playthrough, earlier may be better.

Atton gets more Sneak Attack at every odd level though level 19. So character level 20 is probably the latest it makes sense to change him over. That would give him 19 levels as Scoundrel, and (assuming a max level of 29) 10 levels as a Sentinel.

The only exception is that taking Scoundrel to 20 gives one more selected feat as a Scoundrel. If for some reason that's really important to a build, it might be worth it. But that seems like it would be rare.

Scoundrel Class Skills: Demolitions, Stealth, Awareness, Security
Sentinel Class Skills: Computer Use, Stealth, Awareness, Security, Treat Injury



Atton progression details per level (g = granted, s = selected)

Character Level Class Level Attributes Skills Feats Force Powers
3 Scoundrel 3 STR: 12 (+1)
WIS: 10 (0)
CHA: 12 (+1)
INT: 10 (+0)
CON: 14 (+2)
DEX: 16 (+3)
21 points
Persuade +0 (0)
Computer use +3 (3)
Stealth +4 (4)
Awareness +5 (5)
Repair +0 (0)
Security +5 (5)
Treat Injury +0 (0)
Demolitions +4 (4)
Critical Strike (g)
Sniper Shot (g)
Sneak Attack I (g)
Sneak Attack II (g)
Scoundrel's Luck (g)
Survival (g)
Spirit (g)
Weapon Focus: Blaster Pistol (g)
Proficiency: Light Armor (g)
Proficiency: Medium Armor (g)
Proficiency: Blaster Pistol (g)
Proficiency: Blaster Rifle (g)
Proficiency: Melee Weapons (g)
4 Scoundrel 4 DEX +1, 17 (+3) 4 points
5 Scoundrel 5 4 points
Sneak Attack III (g)
Improved Sniper Shot (s)
6 Scoundrel 6 4 points
7 Scoundrel 7 4 points
Sneak Attack IV (g)
8 Scoundrel 8 DEX +1, 18 (+4) 4 points
Fighting Spirit (g)
Master Sniper Shot (s)
9 Scoundrel 9 4 points
Sneak Attack V (g)
10 Scoundrel 10 4 points
11 Scoundrel 11 4 points
Sneak Attack VI (g)
Two-Weapon Fighting (s)
12 Scoundrel 12 DEX +1, 19 (+4) 4 points
13 Scoundrel 13 4 points
Sneak Attack VII (g)
14 Scoundrel 14 4 points
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (s)
15 Scoundrel 15 4 points
Sneak Attack VIII (g)
Heroic Resolve (g)
16 Scoundrel 16 DEX +1, 20 (+5) 4 points

17 Scoundrel 17 4 points
Sneak Attack IX (g)
Master Two-Weapon Fighting (s)
18 Scoundrel 18 4 points

19 Scoundrel 19 4 points
Sneak Attack X (g)
20 Sentinel 1 DEX +1, 21 (+5) 3 points
Proficiency: Lightsaber (g)
Jedi Defense (g)
Jedi Sense (g)
Force Immunity: Fear (g)
Close Combat (s)
Burst of Speed
21 Sentinel 2 3 points
Unarmed Specialist I (g)
Force Sensitive (g)
Knight Speed
22 Sentinel 3 3 points
Improved Close Combat (s) Master Speed
23 Sentinel 4 3 points
Improved Heal
24 Sentinel 5 DEX +1, 22 (+6) 3 points
Master Heal
25 Sentinel 6 3 points
Force Immunity: Stun (g)
Unarmed Specialist II (g)
? (s)
Force Deflection
26 Sentinel 7 3 points
? (s) Force Redirection
27 Sentinel 8 3 points
28 Sentinel 9 DEX +1, 23 (+6) 3 points
? (s) Stasis
29 Sentinel 10 3 points
Unarmed Specialist III (g) Stasis Field
30 Sentinel 11 3 points

This build maximizes Sneak Attack and focuses on dual blaster damage. Basic build, nothing special.

It takes the Sniper Shot line, which is a little gimmicky, but makes for some really nice spike damage numbers when it lands. Replace with the Rapid Shot line if desired, but keep in mind that he doesn't get the first feat in that line for free.

I took Precise Shot I-III as Atton's last three Feats, but these could be adjusted situationally.
This build would synergize well with a caster specializing in stuns. This Atton eventually takes stunning powers, but so late that most of the game is already over.

This can easily be turned into a melee build just by swapping out ranged feats for melee ones. I gave that I try in my 2024 playthrough, and took Sion down toe-to-toe by burning a few Life Support Packs (and a mid-fight saved levelup full healthbar cheese).