KOTOR 2 - Disciple Builds

This file details some considerations to make for a Disciple build, and may eventually contain a few Disciple builds from different playthroughs. We'll see how far I take it.

Okay, let's be honest. He's so freaking boring that I'll probably never do a build for him. Or take him off the ship. I might be able to use him for crafting, but I'm not sure I can stand him that long. He's basically just Jedi Wikipedia, except that Wikipedia is interesting. I'm not even sure why I spent this long typing all this. I'm gonna go do something more fun now, like see if my toenails need trimming.

My daughter played KOTOR 2 and told me that Mical was a good guy and I was being harsh. So I worked up a build to give him a chance. Maybe she's right.

The big question with Disciple is what role you want him to play in your group. He starts as a Soldier and can become a Consular. So he can be a lot of things, including:
Making him a dedicated melee combatant is easy. Just never change him to a Jedi. Making him a Force power specialist is also easy. You can gain sufficient influence to turn him to a Jedi through conversation, immediately. Making him a hybrid is where things get tricky. Maybe you want a melee combatant who can cast Force powers that aren't restricted by armor. That's great, but once you turn him to a Jedi you can't advance as a Soldier anymore. So you're left trying to cram in all your Force powers near the end of the game, and you don't get to use him the way you'd really like for very long. Maybe you want a Force powerhouse who's also good with a lightsaber. Solider helps with the necessary feats, but that delays getting your Force powers, again only allowing you to see your fully realized plan later in the game. Ultimately, you just have to decide what you want from him, and play accordingly.

Solider Class Skills: Demolitions, Awareness, Treat Injury
Consular Class Skills: Awareness, Repair, Treat Injury



Disciple progression details per level (g = granted, s = selected)

Character Level Class Level Attributes Skills Feats Force Powers
6 Soldier 6 STR: 14 (+2)
WIS: 10 (+0)
CHA: 14 (+2)
INT: 10 (+0)
CON: 14 (+2)
DEX: 16 (+3)
21 points
Persuade +0 (0)
Computer use +0 (0)
Stealth +5 (5)
Awareness +8 (8)
Repair +0 (0)
Security +0 (0)
Treat Injury +8 (8)
Demolitions +0 (0)
Proficiency: Light Armor (g)
Proficiency: Medium Armor (g)
Proficiency: Heavy Armor (g)
Proficiency: Blaster Pistol (g)
Proficiency: Blaster Rifle (g)
Proficiency: Melee Weapons (g)
Two Weapon Fighting (g)
Improved Two Weapon Fighting (g)
Flurry (g)
Conditioning (g)
Power Attack (g)
Power Blast (g)
Rapid Shot (g)
Close Combat (g)
Toughness (g)
Improved Toughness (g)
7 Consular 1 2 points
Proficiency: Lightsaber (g)
Jedi Sense (g)
Force Focus (g)
Jedi Defense (g)
Regenerate Force Points (s)
8 Consular 2 WIS +1, 11 (+0) 2 points
Unarmed Specialist I (g)
Force Sensitive (g)
Stun Droid
9 Consular 3 2 points
Master Two Weapon Fighting (s) Stasis
Disable Droid
10 Consular 4 2 points
Force Push
11 Consular 5 2 points
Force Whirlwind
12 Consular 6 WIS +1, 12 (+1) 2 points
Unarmed Specialist II (g)
Improved Force Focus (g)
Master Toughness (s)
Improved Heal
Destroy Droid
13 Consular 7 2 points
Force Suppression
14 Consular 8 2 points
Burst of Speed
15 Consular 9 2 points
Improved Conditioning (s) Stasis Field
Force Wave
16 Consular 10 WIS +1, 13 (+1) 2 points
Unarmed Specialist III (g) Knight Speed
17 Consular 11 2 points
Master Speed
18 Consular 12 2 points
Master Force Focus (g)
Master Conditioning (s)
Master Heal
Force Breach
19 Consular 13 2 points
Force Deflection
20 Consular 14 WIS +1, 14 (+2) 2 points
Unarmed Specialist IV (g) Force Redirection
21 Consular 15 2 points
Advanced Jedi Defense (s) Force Body
Improved Force Body
22 Consular 16 2 points
Master Force Body
23 Consular 17 2 points
24 Consular 18 WIS +5, 15 (+2) 2 points
Unarmed Specialist V (s)
Master Jedi Defense (s)
Improved Revitalize
Master Revitalize
25 Consular 19 2 points
26 Consular 20 2 points
27 Consular 21 2 points
? (s) ?
28 Consular 22 WIS +1, 16 (+3) 2 points
Unarmed Specialist VI (g) ?
29 Consular 23 2 points
30 Consular 24 2 points
? (s) ?

This build assumes you will change Mical to a Force user immediately. It focuses on Universal/Light Side offensive Force Powers, plus a few standard utility powers (such as Heal) that are beneficial for all Jedi party members to have.

It takes Master Two Weapon Fighting because Disciple may benefit from wielding two lightsabers, to maximize attribute-boosting crystals. And if he's carrying them around anyway, he may as well be decent with them.

Because of his low starting Wisdom, Mical will benefit from any Wisdom-boosting items.

If he reaches high enough level, he'll start running out of useful powers to take. He can either take a few Dark Side offensive powers, or a few buffs, depending on preference.