KOTOR 2 - Handmaiden Unarmed Jedi

This version of Handmaiden is an unarmed specialist who becomes a Jedi without taking any additional Soldier levels. This means she can advance both Force Powers and the Unarmed Specialist feat line, at the expense of not being able to start her Jedi journey until the main character is level 18 (because that's a requirement for switching her). This means she remains a Solider through much of the game, even though she eventually ends up as a pretty decent unarmed melee Jedi.

Handmaiden's progression details per level (g = granted, s = selected)

Character Level Class Level Attributes Skills Feats Force Powers
6 Soldier 6 STR: 14 (+2)
WIS: 10 (+0)
CHA: 14 (+2)
INT: 10 (+0)
CON: 14 (+2)
DEX: 16 (+3)
21 points
Awareness +8 (8)
Computer use +0 (0)
Demolitions +0 (0)
Persuade +0 (0)
Repair +0 (0)
Security +0 (0)
Stealth +5 (5)
Treat Injury +8 (8)
Power Attack (g)
Improved Power Attack
Power Blast (g)
Two-Weapon Fighting (g)
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (g)
Proficiency: Light Armor (g)
Proficiency: Medium Armor (g)
Proficiency: Heavy Armor (g)
Conditioning (g)
Proficiency: Blaster Pistol (g)
Proficiency: Blaster Rifle (g)
Proficiency: Melee Weapons (g)
Toughness (g)
Improved Toughness (g)
Echani Strike I (g)
Unarmed Specialist I (g)
Unarmed Specialist II (g)
7 Guardian 1 1 point
Awareness +1 (9)
Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber (g)
Jedi Sense (g)
Force Jump (g)
Jedi Defense (g)
Improved Conditioning (s)
Burst of Speed
8 Guardian 2 STR +1, 15 (+2) 1 point
Awareness +1 (10)
Force Sensitive (g)
Master Toughness (s)
Force Barrier
9 Guardian 3 1 point
Awareness +1 (11)
Master Conditioning (s) Knight Speed
10 Guardian 4 1 point
Awareness +1 (12)
Improved Force Barrier
11 Guardian 5 1 point
Awareness +1 (13)
Echani Strike II (g)
Regenerate Vitality Points (s)
Force Deflection
12 Guardian 6 STR +1, 16 (+3) 1 point
Awareness +1 (14)
Improved Force Jump (g)
Unarmed Specialist II (g)
Improved Heal
13 Guardian 7 1 point
Awareness +1 (15)
Dueling (s) Force Redirection
14 Guardian 8 1 point
Awareness +1 (16)
Force Resistance
15 Guardian 9 1 point
Awareness +1 (17)
Improved Dueling (s) Master Speed
16 Guardian 10 CON +1, 15 (+2) 1 point
Awareness +1 (18)
Unarmed Specialist III (g) Master Force Barrier
17 Guardian 11 1 point
Awareness +1 (19)
Echani Strike III (g)
Master Dueling (s)
Force Immunity
18 Guardian 12 1 point
Awareness +1 (20)
Master Force Jump (g) Master Heal
19 Guardian 13 1 point
Treat Injury +1 (9)
Master Power Attack (s) Force Aura
20 Guardian 14 CON +1, 16 (+3) 1 point
Treat Injury +1 (10)
Unarmed Specialist IV (g) Force Shield
21 Guardian 15 1 point
Treat Injury +1 (11)
Flurry (s) Force Armor
22 Guardian 16 1 point
Treat Injury +1 (12)
Energy Resistance
23 Guardian 17 1 point
Treat Injury +1 (13)
Improved Flurry (s) Improved Energy Resistance
24 Guardian 18 STR +1, 17 (+3) 1 point
Treat Injury +1 (14)
Unarmed Specialist V (g)
Master Energy Resistance
25 Guardian 19 1 point
Treat Injury +1 (15)
Master Flurry (s) Drain Life
26 Guardian 20 1 point
Treat Injury +1 (16)
Death Field
27 Guardian 21 1 point
Treat Injury +1 (17)
Dual Strike (s) Force Valor
28 Guardian 22 STR +1, 18 (+4) 1 point
Treat Injury +2 (18)
Unarmed Specialist VI (g) Knight Valor
29 Guardian 23 1 point
Treat Injury +2 (19)
Improved Dual Strike (s) Master Valor
30 Guardian 24 1 point
Treat Injury +2 (20)
Drain Force

I focused on survivability early, which pushed the Flurry line late. Those feats could easily be reversed.

It seemed in character for Handmaiden to take no stunning or damaging powers. I made an exception for Drain Life/Death Field, because that line heals the caster. It'd almost certainly be more powerful to at least take some stuns.

Compared to reamining a Soldier and not becoming a Guardian, this build gets one fewer ranks of the Unarmed Specialist feat line, and slower feat progression. However, it gets Force Powers, which make up for a lot.