This file details some considerations to make for a T3-M4 build, and may eventually contain a few T3-M4 builds from different playthroughs. We'll see how far I take it.
T3-M4 starts as and remains an Expert Droid. The only weapons he can equip are Blaster Pistols and Blaster Rifles (well, he can equip various utilities like stun rays and flame throwers). He is often used primarily for skills. However, properly equipped, he's surprisingly effective in combat.
Really good T3 thoughts
- Dialog tree
- Obtained on Peragus near the beginning of the game
- Is a portable workbench
- Can make programming spikes for you
- Class skills: Awareness, Computer Use, Repair, Security
- Has a message from Bastila if you get sufficient influence
- Repair him three times (requires Repair 24) for WIS +1
- Influence gained/lost via both direct dialog and your actions when he is in your party
- Influence locations:
- Peragus
- When he joins the party, be nice to him. Specifically:
- When he joins the party and is talking about getting ambushed by the HK-50, say "Don't blame yourself. If you hadn't gotten us out of the administration level, we'd have never made it this far"
- Then ask him about being damaged and say "Well, I'm sure you'll gain that skill back. I'm glad to have you along."
- Telos
- In hidden base, tell him it isn't his fault
- Ebon Hawk
- Thank T3 for his work while he's tinkering around on the Hawk
- Ask him to reread the list of Jedi Masters, ask him why he downloaded the database, and say you don't blame him.
- When talking about HK-47, say you'd rather have T3's help than HK's
- In conversation with HK-47 about the other HK models, say there's no reason to treat droids like furniture. This gains T3 influence, even though you're not talking to T3
- Late game, when T3 receives the message from Kelborn (about coming back to Onderon) thank T3
- Dantooine
- At malfunctioning droid, compliment T3
- Show compassion on Akkerre about the hydrospanner you find
- Nar Shaada
- Save Rutum without shedding blood. Let Rutum go afterward. (Two gains possible)
- When you buy old droid from droid merchant, you lose influence if you just tear out the memory module. Happens even if T3 is not in your party
- Repair the airspeeder and have T3 check your work. Have to do before meeting the Exchange.
- Heal sick refugee
- Defend T3 from Kondin (droid merchant)'s verbal abuse when Kondin tries to buy T3
- Duxn
- In the Mandalorian camp, T3 will offer to help Zuka (the guy messing with the broken equipment). Be supportive.
- Onderon
- Guy in Cantina dancer room will fuss about you having a droid in there. Say T3 is with you, does he have a problem with that.
- Use Force Persuade to quell Ponlar's riot (requires that power, obviously)
T3-M4's progression details per level (g = granted, s = selected)
Character Level |
Class Level |
Attributes |
Skills |
Feats |
Force Powers |
3 |
Expert Droid 3 |
STR: 10 (0) WIS: 10 (0) CHA: 10 (+0) INT: 16 (+3) CON: 14 (+2) DEX: 15 (+2)
22 points Persuade +0 (0) Computer use +6 (6) Stealth N/A Awareness +2 (2) Repair +6 (6) Security +6 (6) Treat Injury N/A Demolitions +2 (2) |
Caution (g) Droid Upgrade Class I (g) Logic Upgrade (g) |
4 |
Expert Droid 4 |
DEX +1, 16 (+3) |
4 points ? |
5 |
Expert Droid 5 |
4 points ? |
6 |
Expert Droid 6 |
4 points ? |
Toughness (s) |
7 |
Expert Droid 7 |
4 points ? |
Droid Upgrade Class 2 (g) |
8 |
Expert Droid 8 |
DEX +1, 17 (+3) |
4 points ? |
9 |
Expert Droid 9 |
4 points ? |
Improved Toughness (s) |
10 |
Expert Droid 10 |
4 points ? |
11 |
Expert Droid 11 |
4 points ? |
12 |
Expert Droid 12 |
DEX +1, 18 (+4) |
4 points ? |
Master Toughness (s) |
13 |
Expert Droid 13 |
4 points ? |
Droid Upgrade Class 3 (g) |
14 |
Expert Droid 14 |
4 points ? |
15 |
Expert Droid 15 |
4 points ? |
Two Weapon Fighting (s) |
16 |
Expert Droid 16 |
DEX +1, 19 (+4) |
4 points ? |
17 |
Expert Droid 17 |
4 points ? |
18 |
Expert Droid 18 |
4 points ? |
Improved Two Weapon Fighting (s) |
19 |
Expert Droid 19 |
4 points ? |
20 |
Expert Droid 20 |
DEX +1, 20 (+5) |
4 points ? |
21 |
Expert Droid 21 |
4 points ? |
Master Two Weapon Fighting (s) |
22 |
Expert Droid 22 |
4 points ? |
23 |
Expert Droid 23 |
4 points ? |
24 |
Expert Droid 24 |
DEX +1, 21 (+5) |
4 points ? |
Dual Strike (s) |
25 |
Expert Droid 25 |
4 points ? |
26 |
Expert Droid 26 |
4 points ? |
27 |
Expert Droid 27 |
4 points ? |
Improved Dual Strike (s) |
28 |
Expert Droid 28 |
DEX +1, 22 (+6) |
4 points ? |
29 |
Expert Droid 29 |
4 points ? |
30 |
Expert Droid 30 |
4 points ? |
Master Dual Strike (s) |
This is a basic Blaster Pistol combat build. It prioritizes survivability. This T3 is designed to rush into combat, drawing the attention of enemies, so other party members can do damage.
Be sure to get:
- Droid Shock Arm (can replace with blaster later in the game, but it is pretty good)
- Droid Renewable Shield (Nar Shaddaa, TT-32 quest reward, ask about schematic in first dialog)
- Droid Diatum Plating: 75% melee damage immunity
- Droid Agrinium Plating: Best plating against energy damage for it's 50% damage reduction
- Droid Self Sustaining Unit: Available from the first HK-50 on Peragus.
- Droid Scavenger Upgrade (immune to crits, +2 con, +5 repair, +3 fort save). Random drop, may or may not get
- Droid System Upgrade (+4 dex, +2 con). Also random drop
- For sensors:
- Droid CEP8 for Master Power Shot
- Droid CERS for Master Rapid Shot
- Droid CESS for Master Sniper Shot
- Droid Battle Upgrade (best accuracy and defense for +3 attack, +2 con&dex, +2 defense, Weapon Specialization)
Both platings are available from Kodin on Nar Shaddaa near the landing pad, or as random drops if you get lucky. They are kind of expensive, especially the melee one, but he can get by without them for awhile if necessary, just equip the best you have.
Can switch out the Agrinium and Diatum Platings depending on if opponent is melee or energy damage.
I found this build to be amazingly effective. The little dude basically just rolled right up the ramp at the Sith Tomb/Temple on Duxn, taking on troops, beasts, and Sith with lightsabers. As long as I kept going to the inventory screen and reactivating the Renewable Shield they could barely touch him. I did a little level saving and used that for full heals, but Repair Kits would have been enough to get me though. It didn't hurt that I had Atton and Mira both built for ranged combat and using the best blaster upgrades in the game behind him to mow down the bad guys. But I never healed either of them even once - T3 soaked up all the damage.
He may also get attribute bumps via dialog with the main character, but the build does not assume this. Any such bumps just make him a bit better.