KOTOR 2 - Dark Meetra: Now

WARNING: The following contains heavy spoilers about KOTOR II and mild spoilers about KOTOR I.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: some of the details herein are based on my own Dark Side ending from my 2021 TSLRCM playthrough. If you made different choices, your game may have ended differently. In particular, if you're Light Side, just assume that the Mass Shadow Generator hasn't been reactivated yet, but instead gets reactivated following the events described herein. But if you were Light Side, you probably won't like what I do with your Exile...

SECOND NOTE: I am aware that the general consensus amongst the fandom, supported by a comment from the game creator, is that Bao-Dur died helping HK-47 into the HK-50 factory. Mine didn't, because I want him around for the events I describe herein.

CONTEXT: the events described herein occur immediately after the end of KOTOR 2. If you missed the beginning of the fan fiction, you may want to start with KOTOR 2 - Dark Meetra: A Terrible Night.

Meetra Surik walked up the ramp of the Ebon Hawk, Atton at her side. They were leaving Malachor V for the Unknown Regions. Kreia was dead. Her plans to use Meetra to destroy the Force had been revealed. Meetra had personally killed her, and committed her body to the core of Malachor V. But with her last words, Kreia had revealed the existence of the True Sith Empire. Revan had left, years ago, to combat this threat, and Kreia had said that Meetra must follow, alone. Meetra was violating Kreia's command by taking Atton with her, but at least she had not shared their plans with any of the others. They could not follow.

Meetra wondered for a moment about the Force Bond that she and Kreia had shared. She reflected on the lengthy conversations she'd had with the Jedi Masters about it, and all the time she'd spent worrying about what would happen if one of them were to die, when at the end it never came up and didn't seem to even matter. She also wondered why Kreia had ranted endlessly about hating the Force and using Meetra to destroy it, but then had never even tried. It almost felt to Meetra like she were a character in a story whose ending was never properly finished. But, she supposed, life was strange sometimes. She put such distractions out of her mind. There were things in the present that needed to be done.

Bao-Dur, Atton, and T3-M4 had spent the time since Kreia's death repairing the Ebon Hawk. Bao-Dur had assured Meetra that he could use parts from the crashed ships on Malachor V and the damaged ships in orbit to construct transportation for any of the rest of their group that chose to leave. So Meetra and Atton were departing immediately. Kreia's words had implied urgency.

"Wait", Meetra said. She stopped so suddenly that Atton took a few extra steps before he realized he was now walking up the ramp alone. "Why are we doing this?", Meetra asked.

"Because it's how you get into the ship", Atton replied. "Unless you want to use the top hatch, and if so be my guest. I'm going this way, though. Much easier."

Meetra simply stared at him. They'd traveled together long enough for her to know that Atton's first answer was seldom his real answer, and that he always knew more than he would immediately reveal.

"Yeah, I know. That's not what you meant. We're going because the old woman said to", Atton replied. "And that's pretty much how we decide what to do next."

"Exactly", Meetra said. "Every decision we've made, since I met you on Peragus, has been influenced by Kreia. And every one of them was both a manipulation and a test. Why are we simply continuing to follow her direction? Why would we think this situation is any different? Did we think that she'd stop manipulating us just because she was dead?"

Atton looked back at Meetra, impressed. "I thought I was supposed to be the suspicious one, but you're right. You think she was lying about Revan and the True Sith?"

"I doubt it", Meetra said. "But I also doubt that she was telling the whole truth. When did she ever? She said something else before she died, something I didn't tell you. She said that my path was my own. Then she immediately told me what my path was going to be. And I didn't even question it."

"Well, you're questioning it now", Atton said. "What are you going to do about it?"

"I honestly don't know", Meetra said. "But I spent years in exile, alone. I'm not alone anymore. Why should I throw away all the gains that I've made? That we've made together? My one true gift, and you know this, is forming connections with others. Maneuvering me into proceeding alone is vintage Kreia. She'd have hoped that I'd look beneath her words, and find the deeper truth. That I'd find my own strength. And my strength is in leading. Revan's was as well, although his gifts were more strategic and mine are more motivational. But I think in his quest to atone for his mistakes, Revan may have neglected his greatest advantage. I don't intend to make that same error, even if it means that it takes longer to find Revan."

"Huh. Maybe you passed Kreia's final test after all", Atton said. "Okay, you're the master of all our destinies now. I gotta say, I like that a lot better than letting the dead old woman call the shots. I don't have to start calling you General now, do I?"

Meetra laughed. "No, we'll leave that to Bao-Dur. Kreia also said that Malachor V was a powerful place to meditate, and I don't think she was deceiving me about that. She seemed legitimately proud of what she'd learned by meditating here. Maybe I should do the same."

"Okay", Atton said. "I guess we'll just hang out until you're done, then. Glad we stocked up on supplies at Telos."

Meetra turned and walked back towards the meditation chamber at the center of Trayus Core, but was interrupted by a rust-colored robot carrying a massive blaster rifle. There was no immediate threat, but he simply refused to put it down.

"Announcement: Master, I have something to tell you." HK-47 said.

"Not now", Meetra said. "I have something to do."

"Imperative: Master, this cannot wait. I am far too excited."

"Okay, what is it?" Meetra asked. She was aware that HK-47 had infiltrated and shut down the factory that had been producing the HK-50 assassin droids that had been pursuing her across the galaxy. But things had been happening very quickly, and she hadn't had an opportunity to hear the details.

"Revelation: the imposter droids that have been ruining my good name are not merely inferior copies of myself, Master. They are also high-yield explosives."

"Excuse me?", Meetra said, confused.

"Explanation: it seems that in addition to poorly emulating my assassination protocols by being blunt objects of wanton destruction, every HK-50 unit carries within it a concealed explosive device. Every unit is capable of causing significant damage if this device is triggered. Because each HK-50 unit carries a self-preservation program, they are unable to detonate this device themselves. The only logical conclusion is that the devices are intended for remote detonation."

"You're saying", Meetra said, "that every HK-50 unit - the units still stationed on ships throughout the Republic - can be remote detonated?"

"Judgement: yes Master. A horribly inelegant feature. While the initial impact would have been impressive, mass remote detonation would forever eliminate the units' ability to perform their primary function. A droid can live for centuries or millennia, Master. While killing a few thousand organic meatbags might seem worthy, it is not inconceivable that I could personally eliminate millions, given sufficient time and favorable circumstances."

"And how would remote detonation be triggered?", Meetra asked.

"Admission: I was unable to learn that, Master.", HK-47 said. "I'm sure it is possible, though. Why else would the units have been built in this fashion?"

"Your own self-preservation program prevented you from firing on the HK-50s", Meetra said. "Would it also prevent you from researching how to trigger remote detonation?"

"Assurance: oh no, Master", HK-47 said. "In fact, I completely eliminated that program during the course of recent events. I could now happily destroy every HK-50 in the galaxy. I destroyed several dozen in the factory, but I consider that to simply be the start of a much more ambitious effort. I look forward to terminating them all with great joy."

"Good," Meetra said. "Work with Bao-Dur to see how remote detonation can be triggered." She turned away from HK-47 and continued toward the meditation chamber. This news may have been exactly what she needed.

Meetra reached the meditation chamber and settled into a cross-legged pose. Her thoughts drifted as her awareness expanded. HK-47 marching away to follow her command. Mandalore pacing uneasily. She reached further and her thoughts turned to her recent destinations: Dantooine, Onderon, Duxn, Nar Shaddaa, Telos. Allies she had gained, alliances she had formed. She reached further: Republic cruisers. The Senate. The Outer Rim. The Unknown Regions. She was aware that significant time had passed, but it meant nothing. Her physical functions were slowed in her meditative state, making biological urgencies such as food and sleep unnecessary. She reached further still: Darkness. A dark Empire. True Sith. Revan, alone.

Meetra's eyes snapped open. She stood and marched quickly out of the chamber. She had retuned from exile to finish Revan's mission: save the galaxy from itself by providing it strong leadership. But she'd never been sure exactly how. Now she knew. She was going to unite the Republic behind a cause. And just maybe she'd save Revan too.

As Meetra approached the Ebon Hawk, she saw Visas standing outside it, accompanied by T3-M4. T3 squealed with delight as Meetra approached. She looked at the droid curiously.

"He's simply happy to see you", Visas said. "The others were concerned, but I assured them that deep meditations were known to take this long or even longer. I wasn't sure how much longer I could convince them to wait without disturbing you, though."

"How long was I in there?", Meetra asked.

"Almost two weeks", Visas said. The admiration in her voice was unmistakable. "Did the Force reveal what you sought?".

"It did", Meetra said. "T3, I'm going to need you to unlock the navicomputer. I'm sending you after Revan. And you're not going alone. You'll be taking an army with you."

T3 beeped in surprise and excitement, then in consternation.

"I know Revan locked it...." The droid emitted another series of beeps "... It doesn't matter how I know. You weren't supposed to tell me, and you didn't. But I'm confident that you can unlock it."

The droid beeped what was unmistakably refusal.

"Revan ordered you not to say where he went, right?" The droid beeped in the affirmative.

"But he didn't order you to not unlock the navicomputer, right?" The droid slowly beeped in tentative agreement.

"Then you won't be breaking any of Revan's orders by unlocking it, will you? Revan needs our help, T3. Will you help him?"

The droid considered for a moment, beeped in agreement, then rolled up the ramp into the ship. Meetra followed. She found Bao-Dur and HK-47 crouching over the remains of GO-TO, in deep discussion. Bao-Dur's remote flitted about as if trying to eavesdrop. They had apparently reactivated GO-TO, because one of his appendeges was absent-mindedly tracking the remote, occasionally emitting a harmless but ominous spray of sparks.

"Any progress?", Meetra asked.

"Welcome back, General", Bao-Dur said with relief in his voice. "How are you?"

"Good, and I'll be better if you tell me you've learned how to trigger the HK-50s"

"Almost there, General", Bao-Dur answered. "We suspected that GO-TO might contain information on the trigger, so we repaired the necessary portions of his memory. We left most of his other systems inactive, though, including his weapons systems. I think my remote is a little disappointed. It has been hoping for a good fight. Anyway, we've actually already figured out the triggering mechanism. We expected that your plans might involve some measure of subterfuge, so we're finalizing a way to hide the source of the triggering signal. Assuming, of course, that you plan to send such a signal."

"Excellent", Meetra said. "Can you reactivate GO-TO's logic and verbal circuitry while leaving his other systems offline?"

"I believe so, General", said Bao-Dur. "He'll probably be able to tell what systems we've accessed. That means he'll know that we've extracted the triggering details."

"Perfect", Meetra said. "That'll save me telling him."

Bao-Dur turned back to GO-TO. After some time, additional lights began to glow and the artificial intelligence's voice spoke. "I'm quite surprised you reactivated me. I'm aware that you know how to trigger the HK-50 explosives. Probabilities indicate that you will proceed with destabilizing the Republic. Did you repair me out of spite, so that I could see my failure?"

"Quite to the contrary, I need your help", Meetra said.

"You do know", GO-TO said, "that the whereabouts of all the HK-50s are not currently fully established. Of the ones whose locations are known, many are in positions that would be detrimental to the Republic should they be detonated. You recall that my mission is to save the Republic, not destroy it, do you not?"

"That's exactly what we're going to do", answered Meetra. "But even you have to admit that saving the Republic in its current form is futile. It is unstable by its very nature, as evidenced by the many times it has teetered on collapse. You yourself have commented on how it seems to exist on the edge of its own destruction. If we stabilize it as it is now, it will simply fall in the future. Probably the near future. Am I wrong?"

GO-TO processed for a moment. "Inconclusive. It is likely you are correct, but far from certain. My best chances of success are to stabilize it then continually analyze for and eliminate any threats. I will simply have to be more efficient than the Republic's opponents. Assuming, of course, that you don't doom the Republic by deactivating me again."

"Let me offer you an alternative", Meetra said. "I propose we change the nature of the Republic." She detailed her plan to GO-TO, who then processed for several minutes.

"Impressive", GO-TO finally answered. "Revan would be proud. Will be, if your plan is fully successful. But my calculations indicate that your plan is sufficiently likely to stabilize the Republic on a long-term basis whether or not Revan is located and liberated. In fact, stabilization of the Republic does not depend on whether or not Revan actually lives, only on your ability to convince certain others that he does. And I have more than sufficient evidence of both your persuasive capabilities, and Revan's disproportionate ability to inspire long-term irrational loyalty. Very well, you may proceed with my full support. If you will provide me access to the ship's communications equipment, I will contact the other Exchange leaders on your behalf. My calculations indicate that they will see this as the greatest business opportunity in their history."

Meetra nodded, indicated to Bao-Dur that he should make the necessary arrangements, then walked to the cockpit, where Atton was in his usual seat. Even with nowhere to fly, he seemed to find it the most comfortable spot on the ship.

"Hey", he said as she walked in.

"You weren't worried about me?", she asked with a mixture of curiosity and playfulness in her voice.

"I trust you, remember?", he replied. "At least as much as I trust anyone. How'd the meditation go? Or did you just take a really long nap?"

She was not trying to read him. In fact, she was trying not to. But their connection made avoiding at least some awareness of his thoughts almost impossible. Pazaak cards. Always Pazaak cards. She wondered briefly if she was attracted to him in spite of his almost unconscious ability to shield his thoughts, or because of it.

"I got what I needed", she said. "Can you get me Azkul on Dantooine?"

"You got it", Atton said. A few minutes later, the mercenary leader appeared.

"I'm a little busy here. Planet to run and all." Azkul did not elaborate, but Meetra suspected that governing Dantooine was turning out to be more challenging than overthrowing it had been.

"If you're getting tired of sitting behind a desk, I have a real job for you. A big one", she said. She proceeded to describe the portion of her plan that applied to the mercenaries.

"I don't believe you can deliver that", Azkul said after hearing Meetra out. "But I didn't think anyone could take on that Jedi Master, and you did it. The good news is, I don't have to believe you, because the first part is all on you. If you can manage that, I'm in. If you can't, I doubt we'll be talking again. I'll be watching." Azkul disappeared as the connection was terminated from his end.

"Who else?", Atton asked.

"General Vaklu on Onderon", Meetra replied. It took some time, but eventually General Vaklu appeared on the communicator.

"General, good to see you", Meetra said. "How are your efforts at establishing your government proceeding?"

"Proceeding well", Vaklu replied. "Apologies, but I was not expecting a call and I have little time to talk at the moment."

"I'll get right to the point then", Meetra said. "I will soon be in need of people with experience quelling civil conflicts." Meetra explained her plans, and by the end of their conversation, Vaklu agreed in concept, even if he remained somewhat skeptical that he'd have the necessary resources. Meetra decided that would be enough.

There was no need to call her Czerka contacts. When the time came, the right people would remember what she had done for them on Telos. And the opportunity she was going to present them with would have been attractive even without her previous connections with Czerka. Their history would simply help her negotiate a better deal.

There was only one conversation left, and it was the one she was most concerned about. Fortunately, the person she needed to talk to was easy to locate. She walked back down the hall to the center of the ship, where Mandalore was lounging uneasily. He'd watched her walk by earlier without comment, because she was moving with purpose. Now, however, she approached him and let him speak first.

"I have things to do, you know. I've reunited the clans but they won't wait on me forever." Mandalore's tone was aggressive, bordering on threatening. As usual. "Are we done here?"

"Yes, we're done here", Meetra replied. "We'll take you back to your unified clans. Before you go, though what mission are you planning to present them with? You won their loyalty in single combat, but you can't keep it that way. Will you point them at the Republic again? Because if you do, you'll face me. And I've already defeated you once." Meetra carefully controlled the tenor of her voice. She needed to project capability and confidence, but she didn't need to start an actual fight against Mandalore. She had no doubt that she'd win that battle, but she'd also lose the larger war that she had planned. She needed his respect, and he respected strength above all else.

"I might", Mandalore replied. He stood to his feet and began approaching Meetra. He towered over her, but she didn't draw back. Instead she used the Force to give him a small but firm push. To his credit he didn't step backward. But he did halt his progress.

"Mandalorians exist for battle. It defines us, hones us. The Republic as a whole is weak and deserves to die. But..." Mandalore paused, considering his next words. "But I do respect a few of its leaders. Including you."

"There's no honor or glory in killing a defenseless, mortally wounded adversary", Meetra said. "That's at best mercy, and the Mandalorians aren't a merciful people. But what if I offered you a chance to lead the fight against a real empire?"

"What empire?", Mandalore asked. "We just defeated the last of the Sith. We already killed the last of the Jedi. You're right, the Republic is a wounded, dying animal. But what else is there?"

"I offer you", Meetra continued, "an alliance with the Republic, with me as its leader. The Mandalorians will be the tip of the spear in an unprecedented era of expansion and conquest. With my support, you will take over worlds as yet unknown. You will gain previously unimagined levels of glory as you conquer to the very edges of the galaxy."

Mandalore laughed and turned to walk away. "You? The head of the Republic? And the Republic, supporting a war of conquest? Stop wasting my time!" His words were dismissive, but Meetra heard the regret at the edges of his voice, his disappointment that what she was saying couldn't be true. Now was the moment to play her trump card.

"Revan is alive, Canderous."

He spun, fully focused on her now. "What did you say?"

"Revan is alive, and I'm going to lead the Republic effort to get him. He's been captured by the True Sith."

"True Sith?", Mandalore said quizzically. "Didn't we just defeat the Sith?"

"The Sith we defeated were an idea and a shadow", Meetra explained. "We've never encountered the True Sith. But Revan did. That's why he turned on the Republic in the Jedi Civil War. He saw that the True Sith were preparing to invade the Republic, and the Republic was hopelessly unprepared. Revan planned to conquer the Republic to save it, to prepare it under his leadership for the True Sith invasion. His plans didn't go as expected, and his memories of the True Sith were part of what he lost when he was almost killed by Malak. But he couldn't escape his intuition that there was a threat out there. That's what he left to find. That's what we're going to save him from.

"But we're not just going on a rescue mission. I considered that, even considered going alone. But that would be foolhardy. Revan went alone and was unsuccessful. I know what I am and what I'm not. I'm powerful, but I'm no Revan. To try doing what he couldn't would be hopeless.

"No, we're going with an army, and we're not going just to retrieve one man. We're going to take the war to them. But this time, I can't be the General. That would leave too much to the politicians. This time I have to lead the Republic myself. You'll be in charge in the field. You and your people will fight and win this war."

Much of what she had just said was speculation, pieced together from bits of information she'd learned from Kreia, GO-TO, and others. Some was from her own visions while meditating. Some was outright guesswork. But she didn't need to be right about all the details. She just needed to be convincing enough for Mandalore to sign on.

"What you say rings true", Mandalore said. "Before he left, Revan told me that we, the Mandalorians, had been tricked into attacking the Republic by a hidden power in the Unknown Regions and that he was going to fight it. He must have been talking about these True Sith."

"Then you'll join me in this fight", Meetra said. It was a statement, not a question.

"Even if all this is right", Mandalore said, more cautiously than he was accustomed to. "I just reunited the clans. You were there. You know I haven't even had time to meet them on Duxn as a unified people. You're right, they need a purpose or they'll fall apart again. But they're also not prepared for this yet. We need to regroup. An invasion of the Unknown Regions would take more ships and arms than we could muster. We couldn't even hold our supply lines at that distance. I'm a warrior, but I'm no fool. We're a generation away from the kind of war effort you're describing. If we were fighting a war here, I wouldn't hesitate. But launching an invasion across the galaxy is another thing entirely."

Meetra smiled to herself. He was on board, even if he didn't know it yet. Now they were just negotiating particulars.

"The existing Republic military will focus on keeping order in the Core worlds. They're not suitable for an invasion anyway. They'll keep supply chains open into the Outer Rim. Azkul from Dantooine will coordinate mercenary teams to hold the systems between the Outer Rim and your forces. Mercenaries are unreliable, but they're also no match for Mandalorians. You know it, and more importantly, they know it. If they get too far out of line, you'll briefly backtrack and take them out. The cost to replace them isn't even a blip in the Republic's budget.

"General Vaklu's people will supply logistical support to the mercenaries on managing the conquered worlds. Their recent expertise at handling civil conflicts will prove invaluable. With their expertise and the mercenaries muscle, we should be able to keep the supply lines open.

"Czerka will provide ships and armaments at the Republic's expense, all constructed to your specifications. You'll have as many Basilisks as you like. But we both know that war gets messy, and some things have to happen under the table. The Exchange will provide anything else you need, and act as pseudo-governments on the worlds you conquer. They'll take a hefty percentage, but neither of us is in it for the credits. We just need them to fill the gaps that the Republic can't."

"I'm not used to working with other people", Mandalore objected. "What you're describing makes the Mandalorians no more than mercenaries themselves. We have our own culture, our own ways. We don't serve anyone else, including you."

"What I'm describing", Meetra said, "is the greatest military operation in the history of the galaxy. It will happen under Mandalorian control. Under your control. I care about two things: uniting the Republic, and saving Revan. Start your own Mandalorian Empire on the ashes of the True Sith Empire for all I care. You owe me nothing. If you point yourself back at the Republic, you'll have me to contend with. Otherwise, as far as I'm concerned, the rest of the galaxy is yours."

"How do we even know where this True Sith Empire is, and...." Mandalore began, but Meetra cut him off.

"Canderous Ordo, Revan gave you your mask and a mission, because he needed something done right! Are you here for him or not?"

Mandalore bristled briefly, then sighed. "Yeah, I'm here. One last thing, though. You know you're not the leader of the Republic, right? Sure, I've seen you do some impressive things. But to the rest of the galaxy, you're just an ex-Jedi sitting on a beat-up old ship in the middle of nowhere. What makes you think the Republic is going to follow you? Even if it does, what makes you think it will support a war against these True Sith that are no more than an idea?"

Meetra looked around Mandalore to Bao-Dur, who had just walked into the room.

"We're ready at your command, General", Bao-Dur said.

Meetra nodded and turned back to Mandalore. "That's the easy part. Turn on the Holonet and watch."

She walked back up the hallway to the cockpit where Atton still sat. She took a slow, deep breath and mentally prepared herself. If things went according to plan, this conversation would be watched, rewatched, and analyzed at the highest levels of government. It might even be rebroadcast to the galaxy on the Holonet. She'd only get one chance at this, and she had to be convincing.

"Atton, get me Carth Onasi", she said.

"On it", Atton said. He activated the communicator and triggered the sequence that would call the Admiral's ship. A Republic officer appeared on the screen.

"This is Admiral Onasi's Aide-de-camp. How can I be of..."

Assuming an air of complete panic, Meetra stepped into range the communicator's camera. "Carth! Get me Carth now!"

"If you can explain...", the assistant said, but Meetra again interrupted.

"There's no time! Your lives depend on it! Please..."

Carth came into view on the communicator, a look of concern on his face. "Meetra, what's wrong?"

Meetra continued, her words a jumbled rush. "Carth, thank the Force! The new protocol droids, the HK-50s, are they still on the ships?"

"Yes, of course", Carth replied, confused. "They're functioning beautifully. Far superior to our previous units. I've had them attached to all senior officers and installed at all embassies. They're even in the Senate. What do you need? I'm sure they can handle it."

Meetra allowed herself a brief internal moment of disbelief. Carth had traveled across the galaxy with HK-47 during the Jedi Civil War. He'd seen Revan use HK-47 as an all-too-willing weapon against countless adversaries. Carth had personally witnessed HK-47's enthusiastic dedication to death and destruction. How could Carth possibly be this clueless? He actually believed the HK-50s, built from HK-47's template, were nothing more than protocol droids? This couldn't be working out any better.

"Get them out! Now! All of them!", she screamed hysterically.

"What? I can't do that, they're everywhere", Carth stammered. "Meetra, what's..."

"It's the Sith that took Revan, Carth! The True Sith! This is how they're starting their invasion! The HK-50s are bombs, Carth! They're going to...." Meetra reached out in the Force and flipped the switch that deactivated the communicator. Carth's face briefly froze in a mix of confusion and fear, then disappeared.

All calls on the Admiral's line would be recorded. Carth Onasi had just personally taken responsibility for distributing the bombs. Meetra was on record as uncovering the plot and trying to stop it.

She turned to GO-TO, who had floated up the hallway behind her, and smiled darkly.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: the fan fiction continues with KOTOR 2 - Dark Meetra: Redemption, which contains the next step in the character arc of this version of the Exile, but which deviates even further from canon.