KOTOR 2 - Notes from my 2023 playthrough

WARNING: the following contains heavy spoilers about KOTOR I and KOTOR II. Do not read it if you haven't played the game yet.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: these are loose notes from my 2023 playthrough. They are very poorly organized, as they were only ever intended for my own personal use.

ANOTHER WARNING: you saw that there were going to be spoilers, right? If you haven't played the games, stop reading now.


This is a place to collect thoughts for my 2023 playthrough.
This playthrough is connected to the fanfic that I have notes for at my Tevano notes page.

Probably an angry, bitter Light Side run that sometimes veers into gray.

Here is a post with discussion on exactly what you give up by being gray in KOTOR II and how to deal with it. Light Side Mastery would be really nice if I can be true to the character and still get far enough to the Light Side by the end, but not getting it wouldn't be the end of the world either.

Personality: see the fanfic. This Meetra never resolved her various inconsistent and conflicting feelings about the end of the Mandalorian Wars, or her own exile. She is pretty confused about who's telling the truth and what's going on. She doesn't trust much of anyone.

Her dominant personality trait is to try saving/fixing the broken galaxy, on behalf of those suffering. She doesn't care much about any institutions (Jedi, Republic, Sith, etc.), she cares about people. She is decidedly not a "see the good in everyone" person - she's happy to see evil as evil and, if people's words or actions say they're bad people, she's quick to believe them. She's also very sensitive to being scammed or manipulated, which causes her to be mistrustful.

She's not afraid to make the big decisions when needed. She sees Malachor V as the right thing to do given the circumstances, but questions whether those circumstances were necessary, and suspects that Revan manipulated her into a position where he knew she'd make the choice he wanted her to. If she found herself on the command deck at Malachor V again, she'd give the order again. If she was again faced with the choice of whether to join the Mandalorian Wars, she would. But there's a lot in the middle she'd change. And a lot of that would mean being a stronger leader, pushing back against certain decisions, and probably being more confrontational with Revan.

She'll both agree and disagree with Kreia - they'll have a bumpy hot-and-cold relationship. Ultimately, she probably becomes exactly what Kreia wants her to be - someone who will think for themselves, consider the consequences, and take whatever large or small action is necessary, regardless of what anyone thinks about it. But the practicalities of being that person sometimes cause conflict with Kreia when they see the necessary action differently.

Build possibilities:

Jedi Guardians get Force Jump. That power would fit this Meetra well. One of its drawbacks is that it puts you ahead of everyone else, without their support. And as this Meetra tends to place a lot on herself, this fits.

The first rank of Force Jump is almost a negative - it grants no bonuses. All it really does is put me into combat with my allies farther away and less prepared to help. I'm gonna do it anyway. :) (It won't actually matter, I won't have my lightsaber until after I get Improved Force Jump, so even though I'll have the first rank, it won't activate until I get the second rank)

Sith Assassin and Jedi Watchman get Sneak Attack. Jedi Watchman also gets Force Camouflage, and a bunch of skills. Force Camouflage lets me stealth without using up the belt slot, and "Stealth Run" is a thing if I decide to take it. All that adds up to making stealth a viable playstyle. Sure, it is a bit slower than my 2021 Consular/Assassin that just Insanity+Force Storm or Force Crushed everyone without breaking stride. But I'm not speedrunning, I'm taking my time and enjoying the game. And with Guardian+Force Jump I'll still be able to move through enemies pretty fast much of the time. Stealth just gives me a fallback plan when Force Jump isn't available for whatever reason. And of course, there will be enemies for whom neither work, notably some bosses, but I'll just deal with that.

Critical Strike plus Shein stance will give best max burst damage (and has some drawbacks, of course). I think Keen stacks with Crit Strike, for a huge crit range by endgame. I should confirm that. Loading Keen crystals then Casting Valor+Speed then doing a Force Camoflauge+Stealth Run up to an enemy and unleashing a crit plus Sneak Attack is devestating, and great fun when it works. It won't always work, of course, but that's part of the fun.

I'm probably going Guardian/Watchman for a similar Force-Jump-Sneak-Attack build as I'm playing for KOTOR I. KOTOR II has more corridors and small rooms where Force Jump isn't possible. A lot of people therefore recommend Consular/Watchman and using Force Powers to stun enemies and trigger Sneak Attack. They're probably right. But I just want to try this out, and I'll deal with its limitations. When I have a caster companion with me, they can do the stunning. Otherwise, if my own stuns prove insufficient, I'll just take the extra time to set up initial attacks with Stealth. It won't be fast, but if I make that part of my character concept then it'll be fun. And hey, why am I in a hurry?

High DEX, decent WIS or CHA (doesn't have to be great), finesse (the melee weapon version also covers lightsabers), robes. Force Enlightenment in KOTOR II allows casting your highest level of the major buffs in one round, so wearing robes (and therefore having no armor restrictions on Force Powers) is very beneficial. In KOTOR II, WIS affects Force Power DC, and Force points, while CHA affects Force Power DC and opposing power cost. CHA also affects party attack rolls, and both attributes affect some skills and saves. This main character won't be terribly reliant on Force Powers, so either is probably fine, just don't want a penalty.

Note on DEX: this isn't really the best stat to focus on from a min-max perspective. STR is really stronger for melee, and WIS for defense. Why WIS? Because the Handmaiden can teach you Battle Precognition, which adds your WIS to your Defense. But (without mods) Handmaiden is only available to male main characters. And I just want to try a DEX melee run to see what it is like. So I'm going to do it, even knowing that it is less than optimal.

The best implants require a base CON of 18. There are pretty good ones that only require CON 16. Here's a table showing available implants for different base CON values. I can get +1 to CON via dialog with HK-47.

======== ATTRIBUTES ========

STR 10 (+0)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 16 (+2)
INT 12 (+1)
WIS 12 (+1)
CHA 12 (+1)

This pushes CON over DEX, even though this is a DEX-based run, in order to get the best implants in the game. A couple of these implants give very nice DEX bonuses, some along with STR and CON. So by sacrificing some early DEX, I get better overall end-game attributes. I will suck at Force powers, but this isn't a Force-based build.

I can get +1 to CON via dialog with HK-47, if I either don't mind the Dark Side points, or I go minimal influence with him.

I could get by with less INT, but Guardians don't get many skill points. And as the person in front, I want Awareness. But I also want Persuade, for dialogs. So I need 2 skill points at level up, which requires INT 12.

======== SKILLS ========

Guardians get (1+INT)*4 skill points at character creation and 1+INT at level up. So for an INT 12 (+1), I'll get 8 skill points at character creation, and 2 at level up.

Watchman get 3+INT skill points at level up, so for INT 12 (+1) I'll get 4.

So the build starts relatively slow on skill points, then picks up dramatically when I get my prestige class.

Guardian class skills: Demolitions, Awareness, Persuade, Treat Injury
Watchman class skills: Computer Use, Stealth, Awareness, Persuade, Security, Treat Injury

So I'll get everything except Repair at a class skill. Repair is necessary to full repair T3, thereby raising his DEX and CON (by 1 point each) and the main character's WIS by 1 point. I'll just have to forego this. Computer Use of 15 does let me repair his memory core, which gains him +1 INT (but does nothing for me).

Skill targets for this main character (adjusted values):
Persuade (27) > Awareness (15) > Stealth (22) > Computer Use (21) > Security (no max) > Treat Injury (no max) > Demolition (10/25)

From just starting attributes, I'll get the following bonuses: Persuade (CHA +1) > Awareness (WIS, +1) > Stealth (DEX, +2) > Computer Use (INT, +1) > Security (INT, +1) > Treat Injury (WIS, +1) > Demolition (INT, +1)

Of course, I'll be bumping some attributes at level up and wearing gear that increases attributes. I'll also wear gear that increases skills, although in practice I'll probably focus on attributes and not take the time to switch out to skill gear except for specific situations.

I should take enough points to get Demolitions to 5 by level 2, to recover mines on Peragus. I'll only encounter Minor mines on Peragues, and I get +1 from the Safety Harness (a guaranteed drop in the Mining Tunnels). INT 12 gives +1, and Force Valor gives another +1. So I need 2 points invested.

In my 2022 playthough, when I found a workbench, I crafted a Long Sword and an Ionite Edge (extra damage vs droids). This let me basically walk through most of Peragus. However, It would require Repair 1 (for the sword) and Security 6 (for the edge). I won't have any points in Repair, but my INT+1 bonus should be sufficient. Security is more of a problem - it is cross-class for Guardians and my INT+1 doesn't get me close. Maybe I can find gear to boost it by then? Seems a little unlikely. The only other upgrade I realistically have a shot at crafting is a Devaronian Edge (crit bonus) with Stealth 4. Or I can make due with just the Long Sword with no edge.

======== FEATS ========

I'll get 9 selected feats as a Jedi Guardian and 8 as a Watchman (assuming a final character level of 32, and switching from Guardian to Watchman after Guardian 15)

Jedi Watchmen cannot select Close Combat, Dual Strike or Regenerate Vitality Points. So if I want those, I'll need to select them as Guardian.

Flurry is the most dependable special attack, but (for better or worse) this build is designed for burst damage. I'm therefore taking the Critical Strike line. And in keeping with the dish-out-the-damage theme, I'll take the Two-Weapon Fighting line.

Feats that enhance survivability, especially in melee, will also be welcome

The one unusual feat I should take is Stealth Run. Stealth isn't really all that great or necessary in KOTOR II, but I plan to use it anyway just in keeping with the theme of the playthrough. And because I have rarely used it, I'd like to give it a spin once. And since I'm going to, I should at least make the movement speed less painful.

Essential feats:
That's 15 feats, the last of which I'll be able to select at character level 27. That leaves me two "just for fun" feats that I can take at the end.

Alternatively, I could take Dual Strike and Improved Dual Strike as a Guardian, to improve my attack rolls in the early game. The downside is that Dual Strike only applies when another character is also attacking that enemy, meaning (1) I'd need to micromanage targets and (2) it wouldn't apply to fights I start via Force Jump, which I intend to be as many as I can manage. The downside of #2 is partially canceled, though, by making fights that I *can't* start via Force Jump easier, and those are the ones that probably need it more.

Or, I could take the two Regenerate feats (Force Points and Vitality). I'd need to take Vitality as a Guardian, but I could defer Force Points. I'm not sure how much they'd really help, but they wouldn't hurt. Just by the descriptions, Vitality looks kinda meh, but Force Points seems useful.

Filler feats:

======== FORCE POWERS ========

I'll get one Force Power per level as both Guardian and Watchman. So assuming a final character level of 32, that's (ummm ... I was told there'd be no math ... carry the 1 ...) a total of 32 Force Powers.

All joking aside, it is actually 31 and not 32, because the main character doesn't get to select any Force Powers at character creation, and never gets a bonus Force Power to make up for that.

This version of the Exile has no restrictions on Force Powers. She'll be wearing robes and, while this is a Light Side playthrough, she won't object to using a Dark Side power here or there if need be. With combat focus on Lightsaber/Sneak Attack, Force Powers will primarily be for buffs and stuns. And of course standard quality-of-life powers like Heal that make the playthrough go more smoothly.

There are four stunning powers to choose from (well, kinda 5):
Force Wave is technically the 3rd rank of the Force Push line, but it is different enough from Force Push and Force Whirlwind that it is almost a different power. So I listed it separately. Enemies in KOTOR II typically have higher Fortitude Saves than Will or Reflex saves. My evaluation for each of these powers for this Exile follows. It is worth mentioning that other builds might have different needs and therefore reach different conclusions.
Putting that all together, the Fear/Horror/Insanity line is the best choice for this Exile, with the Stun Droid line being a valuable backup choice when fighting droids. I could have a companion take it, as I don't have a lot of solo battles against droids. But it'd still be useful, and I should have enough powers to spare.

Essential Force Powers:
That's 24 powers, leaving 7 more to be selected for fun or utility.

Filler Force Powers:

=========== COMPANIONS ===========

Normal group, once I get them: Normally it is either Atton/Mira for ranged dps and Disciple/Visas/Kreia for stuns. But there are various locations where the game doesn't let me do that.:
When Atton is my ranged dps, I'll have all skills available except:
When Mira is my ranged dps, I'll have all skills available except:
This means my stunner needs to cover Computer Use, Repair, Treat Injury, and Security.
Visas can do all that except Repair.
Disciple can do Treat Injury, then Repair once he becomes a Jedi (which can be immediate)
Kreia can do Repair and Treat Injury

Putting all that together:
- Atton is my best ranged dps for combat, Mira (as a Jedi) is best ranged dps for skills.
- Visas is my best stunner for skills, Kreia for combat. But Kreia gets annoying and Disciple is okay too.
- Atton+Visas is my best early game combo, considering both skills and combat. But they don't get me Repair.
- Atton+Kreia/Disciple is my best later game (once Atton is a Jedi) combo, considering both skills and combat. They get me all skills.
- Until Atton is a Jedi, I can swap Visas out for either Disciple or Kreia if I really need Repair (at the cost of losing various other skills).

Atton should focus on Demolitions and Security early. My build table shows Awareness, but that's a general-use build, and for this playthrough he won't need Awareness. He can bank extra points to dump into Computer Use when he becomes a Sentinel.

Mira should focus on Computer Use, Repair, and Demolitions early. My build table shows Awareness, but that's a general-use build, and for this playthrough she won't need Awareness. She can bank extra points for when she becomes a Sentinel.

Atton and Mira are my two ranged dps for this playthrough, so I'll generally have one or the other but not both. With Atton, I get Security but not Repair or Computer Use. With Mira, I get Computer Use and Repair, but not Security.

Mical and Kreia should both put their limited skill points into Repair and Treat Injury. And they'll probably rarely use Treat Injury. They can cover Repair when Atton is ranged dps. Kreia has more skill points than Mical, so she can dump them into Computer Use as a cross-class skill, as either Meetra or Atton has everything else covered.

Visas should put her skill points into Computer Use, Repair, and Security. She does not get Repair as a class skill, but as a Sentinel, she'll have sufficient feats to use Class Skill: Repair and make it one without sacrificing anything important.

With the above, Kreia+Atton, Visas+Atton, and Visas+Mira all give me all important skills (with the caveat that Computer Use for Kreia is cross-class and therefore underleveled). Mical+Atton loses Computer Use, while both Mical+Mira and Kreia+Mira loses Security. Later in the game, I get Security, so neither Kreia+Mira nor Mical+Mira lose anything.

GO-TO, Bao-Dur, and HK-47 (except for droid factory) won't really leave the ship.

Mandalore only will when required, or briefly to finish his quest.

I'll use T3 as my tank on Duxn (2nd visit) because it is just so freaking fun, and I should have all the necessary gear by then.

=========== SKILLS MATRIX ===========

Numbers like 4/3 mean 4 points per level in the first class and 3 points per level in the second class

Party Member Persuade Computer Use Stealth Awareness Repair Security Treat Injury Demolitions
Meetra (2/4) 25 20 13 Some 9
Atton (4/3) Max Some Max Max
Bao-Dur Max Max Max Max Max Max Max
Disciple (2) Max Max
HK-47 10
Kreia (4) Max Max Max
Mandalore Max
Mira (5) Max Some Max Max Max
T3-M4 Max
Visas (3) Max Max Max

This is what each party member should focus on for this playthrough, not what they're inherently best at. The matrix may show a party member taking Max of a cross-class skill. This just means they should take as much as they can. This is sometimes useful if, based on the expected combinations of party members, there would otherwise be nobody taking that skill at all.
I only noted the things that mattered. Fill in the rest however I feel like it.

======== PLANET ORDER ========
  1. Early game (Peragus, Telos Surface, Telos Academy). Companions: Kreia and Atton/Bao-Dur.
  2. Dantooine, until just before Khoonda battle. Get Disciple. Companions: Kreia/Disciple/Visas and Atton. (not sure when Visas will show up). Buy a Thorium Charge from Akkere for Duxn later.
  3. Korriban, academy but not cave. Do training room last. Don't trigger beasts in valley. Companions: Visas/Disciple and Atton
  4. Nar Shaddaa (get Mira and GO-TO). Buy Juma Juice from the bartender. Fix the airspeeder before meeting with the Exchange. If Oondar has anything I want, buy it before talking to Geeda. Companions: Kreia/Disciple/Visas and Atton.
  5. Back to Telos to turn in fuel quest. Companions: whoever, doesn't matter
  6. Duxn (get Mandalore). Companions: Disciple/Visas and Mira
  7. Onderon. Buy the HK-47 part from the droid merchant. Companions: Kreia/Disciple/Visas and Mandalore
  8. Finish Dantooine. Companions: Kreia/Disciple/Visas and Atton/Mira
  9. Finish Duxn. Group: T3, Mira, ?. Visas would work well from a story angle (confronting the Dark Side)
  10. Finish Onderon. Companions: Kreia and Mira (Mira's Point Guard ability is very useful on the ramps)
  11. Back to Nar Shaddaa for merchant. Companions: whoever
  12. Korriban, trigger/kill beasts in valley. Do cave. Solo.
  13. Dantooine (Jedi Masters). Solo. (can bring people for flavor if desired but no real effect)
  14. Telos (Sith attack). Companions: Disciple/Visas and Atton/Mira
  15. Ravager. Companions: Visas and Mandalore
  16. Telos Academy. Prolly kill Atris again. Solo.
  17. Malachor V. Solo
That's slightly non-optimal, but I'm doing it that way for both companion and story purposes.

Mandalore, Mira, and GO-TO aren't critical companions for this playthrough, so I can delay Duxn and Nar Shaddaa a bit. Disciple really isn't critical - my combat power trio is really myself, Atton, and Kreia. But as interesting a character as Kreia is, I don't enjoy having her in the party the whole game. So doing Dantooine first gets me Disciple pretty quickly. And Visas should show up fairly early as well, giving me options for my stunner.

I go to Nar Shaddaa before Duxn/Onderon because Mira is my backup ranged dps, and Atton will be unavailable on Duxn/Onderon. So I have to get Mira before Duxn.

I go to Korriban early completely for story purposes. The idea is that the Exile isn't ready to face Sion yet. She still needs to (re)build her strength as a Jedi. So she goes to Korriban, has to run from Sion, but then has time to build her strength before facing him in the end game. As opposed to doing Korriban last (like I usually do), running from him, then very quickly facing him again successfully. And yes, Kreia has that line about not being able to beat him on Korriban, but that's flimsy. Malachor should be just as powerful for him.

Going to Nar Shaddaa after Korriban also makes sense story-wise: Atton explicitly says it is a good place to hide, and after being forced to flee from Sion, the Exile probably feels like hiding for awhile.

When I go back to the cave at the end, I'll be ready for my "vision quest", and part of that is learning about who Kreia really is. Like most "vision quests" it doesn't give straight-up answers, just images that require interpretation. So I get the foreshadowing from the vision first, followed almost immediately by the real reveal on Dantooine. And by that point, Kreia will be trying to get me to go to Dantooine. She's already warned me away from the cave once, in my original visit. So it is like she's trying to stop me from ever going there and figuring her out. Seems to just all fit really well.

Combat-wise, this puts me in the cave after I'm well into the build. Because enemies scale with character level, this doesn't necessarily mean the cave is easier by doing it late. But it does mean that I get to play it with the full character build as envisioned.

======== BUILD TABLE ========

Meetra progression details per level (g = granted, s = selected)

Character Level Class Level Attributes Skills Feats Force Powers
1 Guardian 1 STR: 10 (+0)
WIS: 12 (+1)
CHA: 12 (+1)
INT: 12 (+1)
CON: 16 (+3)
DEX: 14 (+2)
8 points
Computer use +0 (0)
Stealth +0 (0)
Awareness +3 (3)
Persuade +3 (3)
Security +0 (0)
Treat Injury +0 (0)
Demolitions +2 (2)
Jedi Sense (g)
Force Jump (g)
Jedi Defense (g)
Armor Proficiency: Light (g)
Armor Proficiency: Medium (g)
Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol (g)
Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle (g)
Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons (g)
Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber (g)
Finesse: Melee Weapons (s)
Critical Strike (g)
Flurry (g)
Power Attack (g)
Power Blast (g)
Rapid Shot (g)
Sniper Shot (g)
War Veteran
2 Guardian 2 2 points
Persuade +1 (4)
Awareness +1 (4)
Force Sensitive (g)
Unarmed Specialist (g)
Two-Weapon Fighting (s)
Force Valor (s)
3 Guardian 3 2 points
Persuade +1 (5)
Awareness +1 (5)
Toughness (s)
Stun Droid (s)
4 Guardian 4 CON +1, 17 (+3) 2 points
Persuade +1 (6)
Awareness +1 (6)
Burst of Speed (s)
5 Guardian 5 2 points
Persuade +1 (7)
Awareness +1 (7)
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (s) Energy Resistance (s)
6 Guardian 6 2 points
Persuade +1 (8)
Awareness +1 (8)
Unarmed Specialist II (g)
Improved Force Jump (g)
Heal (s)
7 Guardian 7 2 points
Persuade +1 (9)
Awareness +1 (9)
Improved Toughness (s) Fear (s)
8 Guardian 8 DEX +1, 15 (+2) 2 points
Persuade +1 (10)
Awareness +1 (10)
Horror (s)
9 Guardian 9 2 points
Persuade +1 (11)
Awareness +1 (11)
Master Two-Weapon Fighting (s) Knight Speed (s)
10 Guardian 10 2 points
Persuade +1 (12)
Awareness +1 (12)
Unarmed Specialist III (g) Knight Valor (s)
11 Guardian 11 2 points
Persuade +1 (13)
Awareness +1 (13)
Improved Critical Strike (s) Determination (Shi-cho Form) (g)
Disable Droid (s)
12 Guardian 12 DEX +1, 16 (+3) 2 points
Persuade +1 (14)
Demolitions +1 (3)
Master Force Jump (g) Contention (Makashi Form) (g)
Insanity (s)
13 Guardian 13 2 points
Persuade +1 (15)
Demolitions +1 (4)
Master Critical Strike (s) Resilence (Soresu Form) (g)
Destroy Droid (s)
14 Guardian 14 2 points
Persuade +1 (16)
Demolitions +1 (5)
Unarmed Specialist IV (g) Improved Energy Resistance (s)
15 Guardian 15 2 points
Persuade +1 (17)
Demolitions +1 (6)
Regenerate Vitality (s) Master Valor (s)
16 Watchman 1 DEX +1, 17 (+3) 4 points
Persuade +1 (18)
Demolitions +1 (7)
Stealth +2 (2)
Weapon Focus: Lightsaber (g)
Greater Prestige Sense (g)
Sneak Attack I (g)
Stealth Run (s)
Force Camouflage (g)
Master Speed (s)
17 Watchman 2 4 points
Persuade +1 (19)
Demolitions +1 (8)
Stealth +2 (4)
Master Energy Resistance (s)
18 Watchman 3 4 points
Persuade +1 (20)
Demolitions +1 (9)
Stealth +2 (6)
Weapon Specialization: Lightsaber (s) Force Barrier (s)
19 Watchman 4 4 points
Persuade +1 (21)
Stealth +3 (9)
Sneak Attack II (g) Improved Force Barrier (s)
20 Watchman 5 DEX +1, 18 (+4) 4 points
Persuade +1 (22)
Stealth +3 (12)
Master Force Barrier (s)
21 Watchman 6 4 points
Persuade +1 (23)
Stealth +3 (15)
Master Toughness (s) Force Aura (s)
22 Watchman 7 4 points
Persuade +1 (24)
Stealth +3 (18)
Sneak Attack III (g)
Conditioning (s)
Improved Force Camouflage (g)
Force Shield (s)
23 Watchman 8 4 points
Persuade +1 (25)
Stealth +3 (20)
Force Armor (s)
24 Watchman 9 DEX +1, 19 (+4) 4 points
Persuade +1 (26)
Security +3 (3)
Improved Conditioning (s) Improved Heal (s)
25 Watchman 10 4 points
Security +4 (7)
Sneak Attack IV (g) Master Heal (s)
26 Watchman 11 4 points
Security +4 (11)
Force Resistance (s)
27 Watchman 12 4 points
Security +4 (15)
Master Conditioning (s) Force Immunity (s)
28 Watchman 13 DEX +1, 20 (+5) 4 points
Awareness +4 (17)
Sneak Attack V (g)
Regenerate Force Points (s)
Master Force Camouflage (g)
Force Suppression (s)
29 Watchman 14 4 points
Awareness +2 (19)
Security +2 (17)
Force Breach (s)
30 Watchman 15 4 points
Security +4 (21)
? (s) Force Scream (s)
31 Watchman 16 4 points
Security +4 (25)
Sneak Attack VI (g) Improved Force Scream (s)
32 Watchman 17 4 points
Security +4 (29)
Master Force Scream (s)

This assumes I get the +1 CON from the HK-47 conversation, thereby getting base CON to 18, enabling me to use the best late game implants. THere are several good ones, including the Immunity D-Package (Stun/Fear/Horror/Crit/Poison immunity), or I could get +4 DEX from the Quickness D-Package. I'm taking the Conditioning feats, plus I'm a Watchman, so I'll have very good saves. Maybe the immunity implant is unnecessary? Something to think about.

I took 5 more points in Awareness than I really needed, to counteract the -5 penalty for running. It is pretty easy to avoid the penalty just by stopping for a second every little bit. But I had extra points to spare, and this way I don't have to worry about forgetting. I don't recall there being many mines to worry about in the late game, so this may be a waste. I could move that earlier if I decide to, at the expense of delaying other things.

All that investment into the Security skill is probably silly. But I don't recall if it is needed for much in the (long) solo portion at the end of the game, and I get annoyed with having to break things open. So once I hit my targets for my other skills, I just dumped everything into Security. (I'm expecting companions to handle Security earlier in the game.)

I took Force Valor early mostly for the skill bump associated with its attribute bonus. This should let me recover all the mines on Peragus (vs just disabling them)

I put off Improved and Master Heal for a long time, on the assumption that a companion will generally be healing me. I could move it earlier if needed.

Peragus went smoothly. Bashing things open during the long initial solo portion was annoying, but being able to recover all the mines helped make up for it - I used them to open various unbashable things. None of the combat was very challenging. I used an energy shield here or there, but I don't think I ever needed a medkit.

My character continued the expected theme of hard-to-kill through Telos and onward. Fights weren't super fast, as I wasn't doing enormous amounts of damage. But most enemies had trouble hurting me. The Handmaiden fights were manageable, with some healing. I had to switch to STR gear for the first, completely unarmed fight, where my DEX didn't help any with attack or enough with defense. Once I could use melee weapons, though, I switched back to DEX gear and didn't have too much trouble.

I got my lightsaber very early on my first post-Telos planet (Dantooine) by going straight ahead to the "thief", who gave me my lens. I was noticably more effective in combat after that. Also, Bao-Dur could quit telling me I was still missing it.

Between Telos and the end of Nar Shaddaa, it felt like I spent a lot of time playing my plan rather than playing the game. But on the plus side, by the end of Nar Shaddaa, I had obtained and converted to Jedis everyone I was actually going to use (I turned Bao-Dur very late in the game, just for fun, but never used him as a companion afterward, and I only used Mandalore for the required portions). So until Nar Shaddaa, it felt like I was micromanaging the game for very specific metagaming outcomes, carefully making sure I had the right amounts of influence, and making sure to take enough levels but not too many. All that got a little tiresome. But after Nar Shaddaa, that was all done and I could just settle in and enjoy the rest of the game, taking levels as they came and saying whatever I felt like whenever I wanted to. I could have sped things up a bit by not doing the first half of Korriban as early as I did. But that part felt good for story purposes.

Most even halfway-decent builds feel overpowered by the end of KOTOR II, and this one was no different. Around level 20, things got pretty easy. Crafting the best lightsaber crystals possible allowed me to dish out enough damage that my relatively low STR wasn't a problem. And after getting Force Enlightenment, I just tore through all the end-game enemies, including Nihilus, Malachor Sion, and Malachor Kreia without much problem. In the final fight, I completely ignored the floating lightsabers, which weren't doing enough damage for me to worry about, and quickly sliced Kreia to death.

I was surprised how useful I found Stealth in the Trayus Academy in the end game. That portion involves lots of opening doors straight onto a big group of enemies. Apparently, they're not smart enough to realize what it means if a door opens and nobody is there. I'd cast Force Enlightenment, activate Stealth, open the door, position myself by the strongest enemy, and take them down in a round or two.

Overall, this was an enjoyable build that, combined with the correct companions, never lacked for much of anything.